The newest steam update fails.
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The newest steam update fails.
Confirmed, even when installing a new instance in a new bottle.
I've heard from native Windows users having a seemingly same problem, in their case it's resolved disabling the antivirus software.
I've tried quite a few things, none successfull, it loops when the update cycle is unable to remove the temporary folder. Has anyone located the folder and had any success?
I submitted a ticket.
We are aware of the issue and are tracking it in-house via bug number 10542. If you choose to submit a ticket please refer to this bug number.
We will keep you posted as information presents itself on this issue.
We posted a fix in another forum that did not make it to this thread, my sincerest apologies.
Josh DuBois wrote:
We have a fix for the steam update problem discussed in this thread.
It is available here:
(use the code 'steamfix' to download, when prompted).
This build is in testing, so you should use at your own risk for
now. We plan to have this fix in a regular release as soon as
possible, but that will be at minimum a week or so. So, for the
time being, try the above and let us know how it works! (We will be
doing a beta around this build as it also has some other fixes, so
please note that you should not use it for things like critical
financial files if you run Quicken, etc., without realizing you are
on a testing build. We do believe, however, that it will resolve
the steam update issues.)If you are on a Mac, you want the file ending in ".zip". If you are
running Linux and see this problem, pick the installer you think is
best for your OS.As always, we welcome your feedback about how these builds are
working for you. We hope they fix Steam, and happy gaming!Regards,
Have you tried the native Mac Steam or the native Linux Steam
I have all three, only the Windows version running in Crossover on either Mac or Linux gets hit with this problem. Native Windows users report the problem too, so it's with the Windows version of Steam only.
That fix worked for me! I have a snow leopard, if that's any help to you.
Fix works for me as well! Mac running Snow Leopard here.
The link to the fix doesn't work anymore. It says I need to login to the site to access it, when I am already logged in.
Dan Waddell wrote:
The link to the fix doesn't work anymore. It says I need to login to
the site to access it, when I am already logged in.
Did you use the 'steamfix' code to download it?
My mistake, sorry. Misread the post. It works fine. Thank you.
Thank you! I have been trying to find a workaround for days. I finally decided to give CrossOver a go and it fixes this issue. I will be buying for sure. Im a new mac user and this issue was REALLY starting to bug me... To put it nicely.
Today, March 1, 2013, we released CrossOver 12.1.2. This release should fix the Steam update loop. If anyone who is using CrossOver 12.1.2 continues to have a problem with the Steam "update loop" problem discussed above, please say so!
The "special build" referenced above should no longer be needed: Steam should work now with any regular version of CrossOver which is 12.1.2 or higher.
Please Note: This Forum is for non-application specific questions relating to installation/configuration of CrossOver. All application-specific posts to this Forum will be moved to their appropriate Compatibility Center Forum.
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