We’re excited to announce that CrossOver Preview is now available to all users with a current CrossOver license. This is your chance to experience cutting-edge features before anyone else, bringing new enhancements to Windows apps and games on macOS and Linux. As a member of the Preview Crew, you’ll help us perfect the next release by providing valuable feedback on any glitches you encounter along the way. It’s a win-win: you get the latest features faster, and we get your insights to make CrossOver better than ever. Think of it as "snitches find glitches". But fair warning — if the thought of finding potential bugs freaks you out, CrossOver Preview is not for you.
Hello there! We see you want to join our illustrious crew. If you have an active CrossOver license, then we welcome you to sign up.
Note: If you already signed up, log in with the button below.
If you still want to try Preview and don't have a license, then you will need to purchase CrossOver.
What is CrossOver Preview?
CrossOver Preview is a special build of CrossOver that has bleeding edge updates, newer Wine versions, and the latest fixes to get certain games and apps working.
Is it for Mac and Linux?
CrossOver Preview is available for Mac and Linux.
Do I have to pay for CrossOver Preview?
CrossOver Preview is a free add-on experience for anyone with an active CrossOver license.
Will I get support?
CrossOver Preview is not covered by our support team. Please submit all feedback as a new report through the Preview Center.
How do I install CrossOver Preview?
CrossOver Preview installs alongside regular CrossOver. To use existing CrossOver bottles with Preview you’ll first need to launch CrossOver Preview and toggle them on.
How do I update Preview?
CrossOver Preview does not automatically update itself. You can download the latest version of CrossOver Preview from the Preview Center.
What are the system requirements?
The system requirements for CrossOver Preview are the same as regular CrossOver.
Do I get XP?
Tier 1: 100 XP All fields completed appropriately following the directions on the form for any application.
Tier 2: 50 XP Some information missing, but enough is given to be somewhat useful.
Tier 3: 0 XP Not enough information provided to be useful to our team.
A bonus 50 XP is awarded for Tier 1 reports on popular applications.
Note: There is a limit of 5 reports per day.
What do you want me to test?
Test your favorite application. See if they work as well on Preview builds as they do on regular CrossOver. You might even be surprised to find some games and applications working better!
How does this help future releases of CrossOver?
CrossOver Preview helps us catch bugs earlier, so stable releases of CrossOver are more polished and ready for release sooner.
How often will there be new versions of Preview?
We don’t have an exact timeframe yet, but we expect releases more frequently than regular CrossOver.
Where do I submit bug reports to?
Check the Preview Center for a link to submit a bug report.
I’m getting an anti-virus warning when I try to run Preview. What should I do?
Check out this support library article for a solution.
Will this work on my iPad, iPhone, Chromebook?
CrossOver Preview only works on macOS and Linux computers with Intel processors.
Can I run more than one version of CrossOver on the same machine?
Yes, CrossOver Preview installs and runs alongside regular CrossOver. Bottles created in CrossOver need to be toggled on in CrossOver Preview to be used.
Does Preview run in 14-day trial mode?
No, Preview is unlocked automatically from your existing CrossOver account status.
Will this make me cool and give me superpowers?
Yes, absolutely! Studies have shown that running the latest version of Wine both makes you cool and is classified as a superpower.
What is the difference between Preview and being a BetterTester?
Preview releases are ongoing and provide the latest bleeding-edge features. BetterTesters review upcoming releases of CrossOver for stability. Both receive our eternal gratitude and admiration.
We're rebels. We're misfits. But mostly, we're software liberators. And we're very, very good at what we do. We have to be. Lots of developers work with open source, but only a tiny fraction of those are good enough to get software that was designed for one platform to work on another one. We invented CrossOver software - a unique approach to cross-platform compatibility that does not require dual-boot or another OS license. We launched PortJump to help app and game developers broaden their market beyond Windows® users. And we launched ExecMode to help organizations solve really ugly technical challenges.