Paint Shop Pro 8 Tips

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How To Install Paint Shop Pro 8.1 From CD

This will show you how to install Paint Shop Pro using CrossOver Office. Please be sure to check for any outstanding issues before installing. This is not the instructions for installing a downloaded version or evaluation version. This is for the CD (non-trial) version only.

  1. Run CrossOver Setup and install IE6, but instead, click the [..] button and browse to the following folder: /mnt/cdrom/IE6/ie6setup.exe You might want to be sure to be connected to the internet, just in case. If installing DCOM95 doesn't work the first time, try installing ie6setup.exe again, it should work the second time.

  2. In the CrossOver Setup, Install New Software, Install Unsupported Softare, select Other .exe file and browse to /mnt/cdrom/psp/instmsia.exe

  3. When that is finished, Install New Software, Install Unsupported Software, select Other .exe file and browse to /mnt/cdrom/psp/setup.exe

  4. Because CrossOver Office won't make the menu items, you'll have to make them yourself. You can do this in KDE or Gnome, by pointing a link to:

    For Paint Shop Pro 8:

    "/opt/cxoffice/bin/wine" --check --cx-app "C://Program Files//Jasc Software Inc//Paint Shop Pro 8//Paint Shop Pro.exe"

    For Animation Shop 3:

    "/opt/cxoffice/bin/wine" --check --cx-app "C://Program Files//Jasc Software Inc//Animation Shop 3//anim.exe"

Instructions by: Tika (Paint Shop Pro 8 Advocate)
Created on: Jan.28.2004

by Unknown on 2009-07-17 11:30:31
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