Ticket 760766 - Red Faction Guerilla Does Not Launch - http://www.codeweavers.com/support/tickets/browse/?ticket_id=760766
"Red Faction: Guerilla is unsupported and, up to this point, completely untested. Red Faction (original) was known not to work in Crossover
and if they're built on the same engine, the failure of RFG is not very surprising. Behavior of the type you're describing (game starts, window or icon pops up briefly and then disappears) is typically indicative of unimplemented DLL's or other elements that the game requires on launch, which essentially means that it's not going to run in Crossover at this time."
I have tested using 9.1.0 and 9.20 under Linux and it does not launch. Please, vote or pledge for this game if you want it to be supported by CrossOver Games.