Here is all I know about the Temporary File Access Issue. As we know by now, Jasc designed PSP 8 (I'm using the CD version of 8.1) so that even if you turn off the undo/redo, it still will need to write to a temporary file in order to complete operations such as flood fill, picture tubes, effects and other actions. Here are some things I've found:
The filename needs to be called JSC#####[username]. The #'s are random numbers and characters, which are different for each instance of PSP 8.1 while running under CrossOver Office, and used to be only JSC10024[username] when running under WINE 20030911 and kernel 2.4.20-6. I'm now using kernel 2.4.24 and so the temporary file is a random name, which there is no way to predict what it will be prior to starting PSP 8. [username] is the user name you use when you log into your OS.
This temporary file gets deleted upon startup of Paint Shop Pro 8.1.
The temporary file is put in the folder that is set up in the File Locations, Temporary/undo files setting. I've set this to C:\Temp and even to the /tmp file on the linux drive (might be Y:/tmp or something like that, I forgot). I made sure that either way, that the temp file directory was world read/write/executable (enterable). Still Paint Shop Pro 8 complained it could not create the (JSC####_[username]) file. It did not say what file it was, just gave the error.
I'm unable to run WINE 20030911 on my system as mentioned above due to the kernel upgrade. I get some error about a thread, and starting debugger. The error message is constantly getting printed to the console with a different code (letters/numbers in hex I assume) each time it's printed. Hmm... could I have needed to compile my kernel with some sort of threading? If so, what? Where do I look?
Since PSP was able to create the file (if I made a /tmp/JSC10024_[username] file) in WINE 20030911 (which is the same version of Wine that CrossOver Office uses, btw), then there must be a setting in CrossOver Office that is preventing the writing of this temp file. Maybe is it the %CROSSOVER_DRIVE_HACK% seen in the drive setups in the config file (~/.cxoffice/config)? I wonder if that had something to do with it?
Ideas would be welcome. I'm stumped on this one.