Well, if you can call them clues...
I found that the JSC10024_[username] file gets deleted during PSP 8.1's startup, somewhere between "Installing OLE" and "Installing JascToolPaint.dll". But what goes on between there goes by so fast I can't catch it. I emailed Jasc Tech Support asking them if they know what the other items are between those that get done and which one(s) might be clearing out that particular directory. Whether they reply or not, I won't know unless they reply. :) I also gave them the link to our PSP 8 area (don't worry, if they aren't an advocate they won't see the stuff advocates see, as I've found :).
I've also tried to run the free version of WINE 20030911 in RPM format. It used to run, but now it won't. :( I don't know if it's because CrossOver Office is also installed or not. So I have really no way to compare it (yet) to see if it's a CrossOver Office problem or not.
I have ruled out something in the kernel, however. I temporarily reverted back to the original kernel (2.4.20-6) and the issue with PSP 8's deleting that directory and the same error comes up.
I think I'm done for the night though. Hopefully tomorrow I can get a little further on this issue.