Welcome to 2024! We are excited to announce some changes to the BetterTester program that will benefit both current and potential testers.
First up, the BetterTester program has reopened! We closed the program down several months ago because we had the very good problem of being overwhelmed with an influx of people eager to test CrossOver. Since CrossOver 24 is right around the corner, we are now eager to accept new BetterTesters that will help ensure this release is absolutely perfect.
Second, we have changed eligibility for the BetterTester program: the program is now open to anyone with an active CrossOver license. We will no longer be culling people who do not earn sufficient XP every 6 months; instead, we will be removing people with lapsed licenses who have not reached BetterTester level 6 or higher.
Our team has found that we’re getting the most valuable information from BetterTesters who actually use our product enough to justify purchasing it, and that frequency of testing is a less helpful metric. We appreciate all of the feedback we have received on our eligibility requirements, and we appreciate your patience as we have worked through trial and error to find a balance that ensures we have the most engaged and empowered band of testers possible.
Third, more XP! We thought that the XP for submitting rankings and CrossTie updates was too low, and we want to make sure that our BetterTesters are awarded for their efforts! Leaving a rank and rank comment now earn you 15 XP each, and updating a CrossTie now earns you 50 XP.
Thank you for all your support and testing. Looking forward to CrossOver 24 and beyond!
About Meredith Johnson
Meredith has been with CodeWeavers since 2019, and currently wears both the QA Manager and CrossOver Product Manager hats. After getting her PhD in linguistics, she somehow stumbled into the Free and Open Source Software world. When she isn't testing CrossOver, she's probably perfecting yet another bean stew, jogging slowly, buying even more linen tunics, doing a face mask or doting on her perfect chunky baby.