The new Apple Silicon-based Macs have dropped and the reviews are very positive. They've delivered faster machines that use less power, and they run CrossOver 20 brilliantly! We have a range of the new systems on order. But we got impatient and…
With the launch of Apple Silicon today, Apple has started a whole new era in the personal computing arena. For 30 years, the 'WinTel' architecture of Windows on Intel hardware has dominated personal computers. In recent years, there has been a lot of…
My family likes to make fun of me because I enjoy hard problems. One of my favorite games of all time is Don't Starve. The way I played it - with no googling allowed - meant that I died all the time. While each death would make me pull out more…
Hi folks, It's been two weeks; we feel we owe everyone an update on our efforts to support 32 bit Windows applications on macOS Catalina, despite Apple's decision to terminate support for 32 bit applications. I'm happy to announce that we…
Hi folks, As you are probably aware, we have been working hard to provide support for 32 bit applications on macOS 10.15, Catalina. This has proven to be a monumental challenge, as we are effectively adding back a facility that Apple has…
Hi folks, We are overdue for an update on our support for 32 bit applications on Catalina. All of the key developers are heads down, working on that support, so I thought I'd write a quick summary. Today for the first time we took a build from…
This past month, we here at CodeWeavers and the wider Wine community suffered a devastating loss. Our friend and colleague, Józef Kucia, died at the age of 30. Józef first contributed to Wine in March of 2012, showing remarkable skill with…
Yesterday, Valve announced a new feature in Steam Play that allows Windows titles to run on the Linux version of Steam using Wine. We have been working directly with Valve for two years on this effort, and the launch yesterday was one of the most…