Supporting Tiger slows us down; there are more advanced techniques we don't use, because we need to remain backwards compatible with Tiger. Further, Tiger never really supported CrossOver that well; there is a nasty bug that causes a serious performance hit. Nicely, Apple fixed that in Leopard. Further, less than 10% of our customer base is still on Tiger. So there are a lot of reasons to drop Tiger support.
But, on the other hand, I hate to keep even one person from having CrossOver joy. And, being mercenary, it is often large organizations that stay with old versions of Mac OS X, so I know for a fact that the sales team is someday going to come to me demanding Tiger support. So I'd rather leave it in place than have to retrofit it 9 months from now when the sales team has a killer opportunity we just can't ignore.
So if anyone has any compelling stats on Tiger use or what other software makers are doing, I'd love to hear it.
Meanwhile, it's back to cranking on our next release, code name: 'Snow Mallard'.