I bought Crossover Mac last year in December, and tried installing the PC version of Metal Gear Solid since I lack a Playstation. I've encountered three problems:
- After seeing that the full installation was taking forever, I canceled it and tried a minimum one. After installing, it wouldn't run.
- After deleting the application from the Crossover folder, the 220 MB didn't go back to my HD. Do I have to delete something else?
- This is why I came here; I have the game on a .iso and mounted it, then found SETUP.EXE and ran it. After deleting the minimum install, I decided to let my computer just do the full one for a while, but now it's requiring me to switch disks. I burned the .isos onto two disks, but they're still on my computer. My Macbook (non-Pro, running 10.5.4, 2 GB RAM) won't let me eject the drive. Should I force my CD drive to eject and insert the CD? Mounting disk 2 didn't do anything, so I assume if I can somehow get disk 2 in there (hopefully not by shoving it in) it'll install.
My question is: Should I force eject the disk? It's running SETUP.EXE, so I'm not sure if it will crash and my install will be for nothing. If the thing doesn't install, should I use the .isos on my computer? If so, how would it detect the "second disk?" Could I use SETUP.EXE from my computer, then insert my burned copy of the second .iso and work out fine? Am I asking too many questions?
A fast response would be appreciated; I'm going in for oral surgery (wisdom teeth, yay) tomorrow and am taking anxiety medication tonight, so I'm not sure if I'll be in the right... Mindset for fiddling around with my computer any time afterwards.
Thanks in advance!