Hey people, I am hoping for your support. I have installed the newest Cross Over Version on my Ubuntu 16.04.01 LTS 64 Bit. It worked. But installing Office 2010 (Student Version), there appears a error saying that Office 2010 cannot be installed. Can you maybe help me? The debug is:
Installing: Microsoft Office 2010
Bottle: Microsoft_Office_2010
From file: /home/tanja/Office_HS_2010_German_x64.exe
CrossOver Linux 18.1.0
Install location: /opt/cxoffice
64-bit OS
Desktop session: ubuntu
Window manager: Compiz
Locale: de_DE.UTF-8
Contents of /etc/os-release:
VERSION="16.04.5 LTS (Xenial Xerus)"
PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS"
cxdiag output:
"Title"="Missing 32bit libcapi20.so.3 library"
"Description"="Provides support for some ISDN cards. Very few applications need this."
"Title"="Missing 32bit libfontconfig.so.1 library"
"Description"="Makes it possible to find and use the system's TrueType fonts. This is strongly recommended for office-type applications."
"Title"="Missing 32bit libgphoto2.so.6 library"
"Description"="Lets Windows applications access digital cameras."
"Title"="Missing 32bit libgphoto2_port.so.10 library"
"Description"="Lets Windows applications access digital cameras."
"Title"="Missing 32bit libgsm.so.1 library"
"Description"="Lets Windows applications use the GSM codec for audio compression and decompression."
"Title"="Missing 32bit liblber-2.4.so.2 library"
"Description"="Lets Windows applications access LDAP servers."
"Title"="Missing 32bit libldap_r-2.4.so.2 library"
"Description"="Lets Windows applications access LDAP servers."
"Title"="Missing 32bit libopenal.so.1 library"
"Description"="Provides audio support to Windows applications."
"Title"="Missing 32bit libOpenCL.so.1 library"
"Description"="Provides GPU computation support to Windows applications."
"Title"="Missing 32bit libOSMesa.so.8 library"
"Description"="This is needed by some games and CAD-like applications to perform off-screen rendering."
"Title"="Missing 32bit libsane.so.1 library"
"Description"="Lets Windows applications access scanners."
"Title"="Missing 32bit libtiff.so.5 library"
"Description"="This is needed by some applications that need to manipulate TIFF images in their user interface."
"Title"="Missing 32bit libv4l1.so.0 library"
"Description"="Lets Windows applications access video devices."
"Title"="Missing 32bit libXcomposite.so.1 library"
"Description"="This is needed for most CAD-like applications and some games."
"Title"="Missing 32bit libXinerama.so.1 library"
"Description"="This is needed if your display spans multiple screens. If your computer has a single screen then you don't need it."
"Title"="Missing 32bit libxslt.so.1 library"
"Description"="This library lets Windows applications perform queries and transformations on XML files."
"Title"="Missing 32bit libvulkan.so.1 library"
"Description"="This library is needed for games which use the Vulkan graphics API; for D3D12 applications; and for the DXVK layer for D3D11"
"Title"="Missing 32bit libpulse.so.0 library"
"Description"="This is the preferred way to provide audio support to Windows applications."
"Title"="Missing 32bit libasound.so.2 library"
"Description"="When running PulseAudio, libasound is required for MIDI devices and playback."
"Title"="Missing 32bit libgstreamer-1.0.so.0 library"
"Description"="GStreamer is needed by some games and multimedia applications to play audio and/or video content."
"Title"="The gst-plugins-bad 32 bit GStreamer plugins appears to be missing"
"Description"="These GStreamer plugins may be needed by some games and multimedia applications to play audio and/or video content"
"Title"="The gst-plugins-base 32 bit GStreamer plugins appears to be missing"
"Description"="These GStreamer plugins may be needed by some games and multimedia applications to play audio and/or video content"
"Title"="The gst-plugins-good 32 bit GStreamer plugins appears to be missing"
"Description"="These GStreamer plugins may be needed by some games and multimedia applications to play audio and/or video content"
"Title"="The gst-plugins-ugly 32 bit GStreamer plugins appears to be missing"
"Description"="These GStreamer plugins may be needed by some games and multimedia applications to play audio and/or video content"
"Title"="The gst-libav 32 bit GStreamer plugins appears to be missing"
"Description"="These GStreamer plugins may be needed by some games and multimedia applications to play audio and/or video content"
"opengl.version"="3.0 Mesa 18.0.5"
"opengl.renderer"="AMD RV620 (DRM 2.43.0 / 4.4.0-141-generic, LLVM 6.0.0)"