Any other updates or insights on installing as a non-admin user? I
need this functionality for installing another program (not this
specific one).
What I've tried so far...
I opened up the installer executable in Archive Manager and extracted all the contents. Inside was a .nupkg file which I also extracted separately. It had a bunch of DLLs and a few executables under "lib/net45". I'm on Ubuntu 18.10 and I don't currently have DotNET installed but I think there may be a way to run this under DotNET Core possibly, though technically that's a different NET architecture than NET Framework.
Under "cmd" for the bottle, I did an msiexec /i on the executable. I got no dialogue or feedback, and all it created were various data files under the bottle's "C:\Users\CrossOver\Application Data\Authy Desktop" folder, no executables that I could find.
I'm kind of stuck, unless I get another idea or two, or I'd try to help further.
Any other updates or insights on installing as a non-admin user? I
need this functionality for installing another program (not this
specific one).
UAC (User Access Control) is not implemented in wine and probably not in Crossover. There were some wine-staging experimental versions that supported it, but I'm afraid Crossover does not support it so far.
Christopher Scott, I got an idea and I believe I have this working now. I created a 32-bit Windows 7 bottle with NET 4.6.2 (which pulled in several previous NET versions as dependencies), and I installed the "Core fonts" from Non-Applications - Components - Fonts - Core Fonts. I installed Authy in a Windows 10 Virtual Machine I have, and then copied the program folder it created from C:\Users...\AppData\Local\authy-electron to the bottle, first creating the C:\Users\Crossover\AppData\Local\authy-electron folder structure and then copying over the folder contents. I got it to run, and even used the Authy application running in the Windows 10 VM to validate the one running in the Crossover bottle. However, installing it in a Windows virtual machine first is definitely not ideal. But this is as far as I could get. Thanks to the UAC limitations already mentioned, I'm not sure of another way to do this. Hope this helps.
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