I updated to Crossover 18.0.0 and noticed that the Settings for my bottles to enable DXVK Backend settings in grayed out? Is this feature not enabled yet or do we need to install something additional to get it working?
Thank you.
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I updated to Crossover 18.0.0 and noticed that the Settings for my bottles to enable DXVK Backend settings in grayed out? Is this feature not enabled yet or do we need to install something additional to get it working?
Thank you.
DXVK works a little differently. You must first install it into your bottle. Then the option will be available. If CrossOver detects vulkan on your system, after you install DXVK it will be enabled by default. If CrossOver does not detect Vulkan, the checkbox will no longer be grey, but it won't be checked (you can still check it yourself in case you think CrossOver is wrong about whether Vulkan is present, but without Vulkan, it won't work). no DXVK libraries will be installed.
You can install DXVK using the software installer. Search for DXVK in the list, and then be sure to pick the target bottle you want to use it in.
Josh DuBois,
Thank you for your help.
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