I try it a few time with different versions of office 2016 and he hangs always during installation.
Who have successful installed office 2016
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I try it a few time with different versions of office 2016 and he hangs always during installation.
Who have successful installed office 2016
I've successfully installed Office 2016 with the OneClick Installer (Pre Downloaded Setup Files -> setup.exe) - Word, Excel runs fine but Outlook doesn't run with exchange accounts.
I did get Office 2016 to install on Manjaro (based on Arch) in a Windows 7 32-bit bottle, using the 'Install Windows Software' process.
Word, Excel and PowerPoint work, that is to say, as much as I have used them, which is not every feature.
In Access, none of the wizards work, and creating forms in general crashes the program.
Outlook just doesn't stop loading the profile. Lovely splash screen. :(
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