Have Scientific Linux 6.9 (based on RHEL 6).
With crossover 16 all works, but after upgrade to 17 version (doesn't matter 17.0.0-1, 17.1.0-1 or 17.5.0-1) all programs doesn't runs.
Nothing helps after trying to run program, do not get any messages.
Removing crossover and install it again and restore bottles from archive is doesn't helps.
I'm back to version 16.2.5-1
Remove and install do not fix problem.
New version do not works on Scientific Linux 6.9 and 6.10.
While runing any program first time - got message about Wrong Wine envieronment.
Today did upgrade to v18 - on kernel 2.6.32-754 (Scentific Linux 6.10) I can not run any bottles !!!!
Anybody run v17 and v18 on older linux versions ???
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That's because RHEL6 and other distros based on it, uses glibc version 2.12. As i just figured out recently, beginning with Crossover version 17, glibc version 2.16 is expected. (i.e. Crossover version 17 and beyond are compiled against libc.so.6 that was compiled with glibc version 2.16). I had the same problem when I tried version 17 and version 18. Only version 16 works with RHEL6-based distros. However, version 16 contains a bug that wouldn't let my MS Office 2010 to register online.
It would be great if codeweavers can published another version (16.2.5 is the last version using glibc version 2.12) that fixes this problem for older system.
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