Ref Crossover 19.0.1 running on ubuntu 19.10.
I have a Windows application called "Winlink Express", which is a mail client for a radio email system. I have it installed in a Windows 7 bottle. Everything on it seems to work fine except for one feature.
This app implements various forms (such as Red Cross reports, Incident Command System messages, etc) as HTML files. When the form template is selected from a menu, it appears in the browser. You fill in the form and select "submit", at which time the data is stripped from the form and copied into the body of the message as plain text, but in a layout expected by the receiving client (this keeps the message size small - a big consideration when sending by radio). When the message is received, the client detects that it is form data, calls the browser and HTML file, then re-inserts the data for viewing and action by the recipient.
Here's the problem: With the client running with Crossover, when I select the template to COMPOSE and SEND the message, I get the following error:
Error processing form c:\RMS Express\N5BLP-2\Temp\ICS213_Initial.html: Call not implemented.
I looked in the folder referenced, and the file is there.
Here's where it gets really interesting. If this client RECEIVES a form, the browser call works, the browser is started and the form is displayed.
Soooooo. Is this message coming from Crossover or the application? The fact that it says "Error processing form" leads me to believe it's coming from the app. Anyone have an idea what exactly "Call not implemented' means? Is this Crossover saying it's getting a call to Windows that it doesn't understand?