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Change program installation locations


Very new to Linux and especially Crossover Trial and I've tried searching but I'm having a really tough time figuring this question out:

How do I change the location that Crossover installs programs to?

I have two SSDs in my PC. One with partitions for Windows and Linux (apps included) and the other with partitions for Windows and Linux games.

Now what I'm trying to do when I install crossover programs, is install them to the Linux gaming partition on my other SSD. That's where Linux Steam installs my Linux games, for example.

I just cannot figure out how to do this. As far as I can tell at the moment, Crossover is installing somewhere on the first SSD, which is small and thus already out of room. But I see no option to change locations.

Thanks for any help!

Most programs allow you to change the path where the program installs to and this is the recommended way of choosing the install location.

Crossover creates symlinks to your partitions in the folder $HOME/.cxoffice/BOTTLE/dosdevices so it should be easy for you to select another drive in CX when installing a program.

Changing the ProgramFilesDir in Windows can have unintended sideeffects and thus not recommendable but alas it is possible.
Choose your bottle and then from the Bottle menu -> Run Command ... -> regedit
The location of ProgramFilesDir lives in the key HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion

Frede Hundewadt wrote:

Most programs allow you to change the path where the program
installs to and this is the recommended way of choosing the install

Crossover creates symlinks to your partitions in the folder
$HOME/.cxoffice/BOTTLE/dosdevices so it should be easy for you to
select another drive in CX when installing a program.

Changing the ProgramFilesDir in Windows can have
unintended sideeffects and thus not recommendable but
alas it is possible.
Choose your bottle and then from the Bottle menu -> [b]Run
Command ...[/b] -> regedit
The location of ProgramFilesDir lives in the key

Thanks for the reply. However when I try to change the program install location, all I ever get is "invalid install location".

For example, I have my Gaming SSD mounted to "/media/Linux Games". When I got to this folder it refuses to work. The only place it will accept is the "C:\" folder, which is obviously part of the bottle (I assume?)

I've searched everywhere for videos that explain it and can only find Mac explanations which are no use.

I can see what you want to achieve.

Not a gamer myself and only use one Windows based program but your issue interested me and here is what I had no issues doing.

Create a symlink on your Desktop or in your Documents folder to your games folder.

ln -s /path/to/my/games/folder

When your installer reach the point where you can point to another installation location point use the symlink to point it to the new location.

Frede Hundewadt wrote:

I can see what you want to achieve.

Not a gamer myself and only use one Windows based program but your
issue interested me and here is what I had no issues doing.

Create a symlink on your Desktop or in your Documents folder to your
games folder.

ln -s /path/to/my/games/folder

When your installer reach the point where you can point to another
installation location point use the symlink to point it to the new

Thank you so much! This is exactly what I was trying to do. They are now installing on my Linux Games parition on my 2nd SSD (where my games are).

Hello, here is what you may do

A) if you want the whole Crossover bottles to be on your other drive:

  1. Mount your other drive's GAMEPARTITION.
  2. Go to your USERHOMEFOLDER and there will be a hidden .cxoffice folder.
  3. Copy the .cxoffice folder to your GAMEPARTITION.
  4. Rename your old .cxoffice folder as .cxoffice-original or delete it if you are brave and need space.
  5. Create a link to the .cxoffice folder on your GAMEPARTITION in you USERHOMEFOLDER.

Now everytime CrossOver reads or writes to the .cxoffice folder, it will, in fact, access the GAMEPARTITION/.cxoffice.

B) If you want only some of the bottles to reside on your other drive:

  1. Mount your other drive's GAMEPARTITION.
  2. Create a GAMEPARTITION/.cxoffice folder
  3. Go to your USERHOMEFOLDER and there will be a hidden .cxoffice folder.
  4. Enter this USERHOMEFOLDER/.cxoffice/
  5. There you will find the "bottles" for every game and application you installed with CrossOver.
  6. Copy every game folder you want to your GAMEPARTITION/.cxoffice folder.
  7. Rename each GAME1, GAME2, etc. folder to GAME1-BACKUP GAME2-BACKUP or erase them if you are brave and need space.
  8. Create a link of GAMEPARTITION/GAME1/ , GAMEPARTITION/GAME2/ , etc. in your /home/USERHOMEFOLDER/.cxoffice/ as GAME1, GAME2, etc.

Please feel free to ask for details of any step, you may need.

Please Note: This Forum is for non-application specific questions relating to installation/configuration of CrossOver. All application-specific posts to this Forum will be moved to their appropriate Compatibility Center Forum.

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