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Steam closes after 30 seconds, can't log in or open Hogwarts Legacy, help!

Steam closes after less then 30 seconds. Can't even log in.

  • In a new bottle steam seems to work and I can also download Hogwarts/ reinstall.

Is there a way to get Hogwarts playing again in the bottle I Already have/fix steam in that bottle?

Or How can keep my save files but make a new bottle safely? I'm terrified of making a new bottle and reinstalling and than losing both my characters.

Please help

Does this happen when you try to mouse over your library list, or does it just close after 30 sec? I had this problem with Steam closing when I moused over my list of games in the library menu. I would have to do a clean install of steam then it would be fixed. It happened a few times I sent crossover a video of it happening and it just came down to something about the installer.

My advice if you didn't do this is to install the Steam client, log in, and then install Hogwarts inside Steam and not from the crosstie (if that's what you are doing).

Creating a new bottle using the Steam crosstie might be the best idea.

As far as not losing your saves, you have a few options:
1) Trust steam cloud backup
2) If that doesn't work, you can find the save games inside of the old bottle and copy them over. From Crossover, click on the Hogwarts bottle, click "Open C: drive" then navigate in finder to: Users\<your username>\AppData\Local\Hogwarts Legacy\Saved\SaveGames\ . Back those files up, and copy them over to the same location in the new bottle you create.

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