There was a discussion 3 years ago regarding web browser on crossover mac.;forumcurPos=1305;msg=243542
The conclusion of the discussion was that it is best to use native programs when they work well: So use native web browsers designed for mac.
However, there is still demand for this functionality. Korean bank websites are notorious for forcing users to install multiple security programs. To access my bank's site, I need to install several programs, including a keylogger prevention tool, which negatively impacts my computer's performance. In Korea, Windows holds a dominant market share, so certain government services are inaccessible on macOS at times.
I recently purchased CrossOver, and I aim to install a web browser in a bottle to run bank or government services as if on a Windows system. This would allow me to preserve my computer's performance while improving accessibility to government services. Of course, I realize this demand is probably minimal compared to that for gaming.