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CrossOver 20 and Office 365: blank window when connecting to Microsoft Account


With CrossOver 19 all the applications failed to start.
I have tested today Office 365 with CrossOver 20 and it seems to work very well with OS set to Windows 7.
But I cannot connect to my Office 365 account.
I am able to enter my email but when a press Next, a blank window appears and that's it.
I have tried to go through the creation of a new account just for sake of testing: again a blank window with just "Terms of Use Privacy & Cookies" at the very bottom.

Does anyone have an idea of what I can try?


For information I have reinstalled a new bottle and still the same problem.
Quitting and restarting the bottle does not help.
The empty window is shown with all the Office programs.
I am not behind a proxy/firewall.

I have exactly the same issue , the password 'window' of the registration process is not readable (white space without text).
All Office applications give the same result.

Is it possible to register using the command line?

I have same problem: After installing office 365, I am asked to give in my Microsoft - account, but when I am watching the Password, the window is empty!!!

It would be very nice to find a solution!


Hi there -

I'm looking into this, but I am unable to reproduce what you're seeing. I'm on Ubuntu 20.0.4 using CrossOver 20, and I've installed Office 365 using the .exe installer I downloaded from Once it's installed, I'm opening up an application and am able to enter the email address, and then the password on the next screen.

Can you tell me more about the process you followed? What type of account are you using, and what installer? Where did the installer come from? If you logged into the site to download the installer, are you using the same login once you're trying to access Office? Also, what bottle type did you use to install?




Hi Samantha,

I am using CentOS 8.2, Kde Plasma 5.20 with kwin as WM.
The firewall is stopped.
I have also tried with Gnome Classic just in case, but no success.
I have installed a 32bit office version from the offline installer, which is a big .img file.
My account is a Microsoft 365 Family one.

I just tried running OfficeSetup.exe (6 Mb installer).
The installation was done correctly. When start a product, I see a new window named "Microsoft Office Activation Assistant".
I can only select the activation through Internet.
When I click on Next, I get an error message with code 0x80070426.

The bottle was automatically defined by CrossOver by selecting Office 365.
The Windows version was then set to Windows 7.
I have tried selecting newer versions, like Windows 10, but all I got is frames and black window backgrounds.

Yes, I am using the account I use to log in to Office 365 site.


Anna Lasky 102 Staff

Hi Rui,

When you use the .img installer, did you use it "as is" or change it to a .iso installer? If you didn't already try it as a .iso installer, could you also try that? There is a video here that shows how to do this: (access code "demo"). Basically, just rename the .img to .iso and then mount it and select that in CrossOver. Also, please use a freshly downloaded .img just in case your .img is out of date and that is the problem. We know Microsoft pushed an update to the 32-bit version a couple of days ago.

If you still have the other bottle created with OfficeSetup.exe, you could try quitting the bottle and just trying again a couple more times. It sounds like you are running into an outdated version of the activation window -- we've seen that occasionally get fixed by just launching a few times and quitting the bottle in between. Hopefully that will trigger the newer activation window.


Hi Anna,

I have tried again with the OfficeSetup.exe bottle: quitting and trying again several times.
The empty windows is shown every time.

I mount the .img with the loop option then I run the setup program: sudo mount -t auto -o loop $PWD/O365HomePremRetail.img /mnt/loop/
There is no need to rename it in fact.
The .img was downloaded 2 days ago but today I downloaded the .img again, selecting English rather than French.
So, for the sake of following the steps, I renamed it to .iso and installed it in a new bottle.
Same issue: blank password window.

Then I put an Ubuntu 20.04.1 in VirtualBox, let it install all its update, and tried again using .iso file.
Again a blank window despite the distrib is the very same as yours.
I tried two times more after rebooting the VM but still the same behavior.
As I can reproduce with Ubuntu I could be useful to compare some logs from your environment and from mine?


To make it clearer, here the blank password window I see:

Exactly the same problem here

Hi Rui,

Thank you for testing that out! Confirming that it happens on Ubuntu is a huge help :) Likely we will be getting to the log stage soon, but I'd really like to try to find a way for us to reproduce it locally if possible. These Office bugs are often insanely tricky, and being able to reproduce it internally is immensely easier for the developers.

Nick - are you also using the Office 365 Family account/installer?

To anyone else experiencing this bug - are any of you using anything besides the Family installer?


Also have the same exact issue. Running KDE Neon 5.20 built on top of ubuntu 20.04

Hi all,

I was able to reproduce the issue internally, and I filed a bug with a log so a developer can take a look.


Having the same issue where I am seeing a blank screen for the password page of my MS Office 365 account activation.
I am using Crossover 19.02 on Ubuntu 20.04.


Could you please post a log file? Execute with option one of the programs of the office suite, then flag the create log file option paste the log file here, maybe is a missing dependency, I have office 2016 myself and I have activated it with no troubles. By the way before sending the log file try to use this command in a terminal /opt/cxoffice/bin/cxfix --auto then run office and see if the problem remains.

I'm having exactly the same problem on OpenSuSe Tumbleweed.

I am using office 365 personal, and yes, i cannot login (after inputting username/email, the next page is blank)

Using Crossover 20.0.1 on Ubuntu 20.04, I installed with the .exe installer for 32bits and I get the exact same issue.

I was about to try with the .iso but it seems to be exactly the same, so it's not worth trying, right?

Indeed the problem is the same whether you install running the .exe or form an .img file.
For the sake of trying, I have run Office 2013 with wine-5.20 compiled today from git: same issue.
I mean once I have entered my email, the password window is blank.

This is the first time I am raising this issue and was not sure what timescales are we looking at in terms of a resolution for this bug fix? As I need to access Office on my ubuntu machine very badly...

It is very difficult to give a time-frame for something like this, unfortunately. We are looking into it - the problem is inconsistent between different setups which makes it more difficult to triage. Luckily, Meredith was able to reproduce which means that we have an internal reproduction case which really helps.


I can confirm I'm having the same issue with blank password screen when trying to sign in.
Crossover: 20.0.0
Ubuntu: 18.04.5 LTS
MS Office: Installed using the 365 Home Premium Retail (family) edition EXE installer.
/opt/cxoffice/bin/csvix --auto says "There is no issue to fix"


did you try this command /opt/cxoffice/bin/cxfix --auto

See if that help

Me:~$ /opt/cxoffice/bin/cxfix --auto
Distribution: Ubuntu 18.04 64-bit (ubuntu18.04)
Product: cx20
There is no issue to fix

I've updated my original comment to include this.


In my bottle I have core fonts and msxml 6.0 sp2, if solves the issue for many of you maybe I can create a crosstie. Let me know if that helped.

PS I have a windows 7 32 bit bottle.

Hi Simone,
I have tried but no luck. Still the same problem with core fonts and msxml 6 sp2.


Is your bottle windows 7 32 bit?

Yes, it is a 32bit bottle and, in my environment, it has to be a Windows 7 otherwise all I get with higher versions is black unreadable windows.

Just to confirm, I'm using Windows 7 32bit, with msxml 6 sp2 and core fonts installed. Still shows a blank password page.

I've installed (on Ubuntu 20.04) Office 365 on previous Crossover (19), and activation worked fine. Now, after upgrade to 20, I'm facing this blank screen activation window error.

That's really weird 😕
I have tried the following on an Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS VM and I always got a blank password window:
. Crossover 20
. Uninstall 20, install 19.0.2, run Office 365 previously installed with 20
. Install in a new bottle with 19.0.2 without updating "installation recipes"
. Install in a new bottle with 19.0.2 updating ""installation recipes"

also facing the same problem on crossover 20 and linux mint 20

The problem occurs when the Office setup tries to authenticate against the online service. In my case it needs to use 2 factor authentication as well.

Specifically, the installer/office setup spins up a web browser component of some kind, which is running some kind of complex javascript as part of the (oauth?) process.

I cannot repeat the problem, but essentially the pop up window's underlying web-component javascript engine. craps out somewhere at the beginning and in the middle of the javascript authentication process.

I would start to fix this by downloading the oauth window/javascript as a standalone html page or similar, and getting the component to work with it.


I think the significant change is at Microsoft's online activation forms.

I had to reinstall Office365 during September. I used the same version of CrossOver that had been activated successfully several hours before. But this time, the password entry was gone.


I have several Ubuntu systems 18.04 and 20.04, all have the same problem. For several weeks now. Are there any configurations that do work? Or does CrossOver not support MS Office 365 any more, until further notice?

I might try to copy Office-files from (dual boot) windows on same system.

Using the new version of crossover_20.0.2 activating is working again.


Ad Ministratie wrote:

Using the new version of crossover_20.0.2 activating is working

Indeed, but to be specific on my computer the very first activation window (automatically displayed) was blank. I closed it, and then moments later I clicked on the activation reminder and it worked flawlessly.

But then, when I closed and reopened Word, it asked for activation again, and this time it fails.

And when I close it again and reopen it again i get "Word has run into an error that is preventing..."

Anyone has a suggestion?

I can confirm the same exact "blank page" problem in Opensuse Tumbleweed;
Office 365 installed from 32bit .iso.
It's seems impossible to activate even with a proper activation key.
Thanks for your work.

Briefly after my post here, I found an article that appear to be resolutive to our problem (at least it works in my Opensuse Tumbleweed / Office 365 situation):

Apart for my adaptation to the specific problem, all credit goes to the author of the article:
1- after installing Office from .iso, do NOT launch any office application.
2- launch "regedit" from bottle menu
3- locate "HKEY_CURRENT_USER \Software \Microsoft \Office \16.0 \Common"
4- create "Graphics" subkey
5- create DWORD "DisableHardwareAcceleration", value "1". Quit regedit.
6- reboot the bootle
7- open an office app and activate via username/password (the activation process worked both on word and excel).

Thanks again to Pierre Haessig @ ""

Just to update, the registry fix suggested did not work on Office 365 with CX20.0.0 on Ubuntu 18.04.
However, upgrading to CX20.0.2 did fix things.

Hi all,

As mentioned in an earlier comment, this issue is fixed starting with CrossOver 20.0.1.


Has anyone fixed the issue on Crossover 19.02? I have a oneoff licence for 19 version and not sure if I have to purchase a new licence for version 20, just to fix this issue with blank screen.

Thanks in advance....

For information it works fine with 20.0.2 on CentOS 8.3.
This issue has also been raised in Wine bugdb:

Hi everyone! I had been facing the same issue, before I did the following:

  1. I installed Internet Explorer's 8 dependencies (i.e. .NET 2.0, 4.0, MSXML 3.0, etc.)
  2. I opened crossover
  3. I went to / opened the bottle, where my Office 365 is installed
  4. Clicked "Run Command..."
  5. Typed: regedit
  6. and once the registry editor opened, I navigated to: HKEY Current User\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\Identity\
  7. Then, I added a: new DWORD Value by right clicking on Identity and selecting New DWORD...
  8. I named the new DWORD Value: EnableADAL and set it to 0 (zero)
  9. Then, I closed the registry editor, simulated a reboot and reopened my Office 365 installation.

That solved my problem, i.e. I was able to Log into my account and activate my product (no blank/white/black screens appeared)

P.S. I am neither a native speaker, nor an eloquent one, so my instructions might be a little bit incomprehensible. I hope this helped, anyway!

4 1

In my case the registration process was asking me to update my browser. This solution did not work for me.

Using Crossover 20.0.4, Fedora 33, Windows 7x32bit bottle:

Tried regex fix
Tried Internet Explorer 8 fix
Tried MS XML 6.2 and Core Fonts

These solutions seem to not be working.

Side note...

  1. Fresh Fedora 33,
  2. Update all items
  3. Install Crossover 20.0.4
  4. Created Bottle with Software installer (It created Win7x32bit)
  5. Modified registry
  6. Opened Word (Asked to update to Edge browser)
  7. XML and Core Fonts (Asked to update to Edge browser)
  8. Tried installing Edge into bottle (said successful, although I cannot confirm any icon)
  9. Opened Word (Asked to update to Edge browser)
    1. Installed Internet Explorer 8
    2. Dot Net Core 2 failed, but showed successful
    3. Opened Word (Asked to sign in)
    4. Got blank password screen

Same test, in exact same order on Kali Linux 2020.4, Ubuntu 20.04, CentOS 8 Stream, Clear OS 7 on actual Laptop
Same test, in exact same order in vmWare ESXi 6.5 (using vCenter Server) Virtual Machines
Same test, in exact same order using LDAP as User Login and NFS as home directory over ESXi with Enterprise Login

Everything gives the same results as the test above.

I have 6 ESXi clustered servers in my home lab, I will be happy to try different ideas if anybody has any. The Air Force is keeping me fairly busy at the moment to continue testing.

Hi there,

We are aware of the issue that some people are having wrt the message about updating your browser. We have a bug tracking this and we are working on a solution.


Any update on this? Like the above posters, I have tried all the methods listed in this (and other threads that I could find) and no joy. My access to my (paid) office account on Linux will soon run out.....


I had the same problem on Ubuntu 20.10 with Crossover 20.0.* up to 20.0.4. Out of desperation I reinstalled Ubuntu (automated with Ansible so not too bad) and still had issues.

After executing these steps I was able to install Office 365 and activate!

dpkg --add-architecture i386
apt update
/opt/cxoffice/bin/cxfix -y missinglibfreetype missinglibfreetype.amd64 MissingLibNcurses MissingLibNcurses.amd64  MissingLibGsm MissingLibOpenal MissingLibPcap MissingLibAsoundMidi MissingGStreamer1Libav MissingLibGsm.amd64 MissingLibOpenal.amd64 MissingLibPcap.amd64 MissingLibAsoundMidi.amd64 MissingGStreamer1Libav.amd64 MissingLibCapi20 MissingLibCapi20.amd64 MissingLibOdbc MissingLibOdbc.amd64 MissingLibOsmesa8 MissingLibOsmesa8.amd64 MissingGStreamer1Bad2 MissingGStreamer1Bad2.amd64
/opt/cxoffice/bin/cxfix -y --auto

I then downloaded the latest Office 365 32bit installer. And then quit all bottles and walked through the normal Crossover install process for Office 365. I did not add any options while installing.

This worked for me. I don't know if specifying all the packages for cxfix was required or not. It is what I had scripted and worked.

Hopefully, this works for everyone else. Please respond if it worked so others will know.


Thanks Tim, not sure how you come up with all of that but awesome. I'm trying this now and will update shortly.

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