I bought Crossover yesterday, and The Orange Box today. I have a unibody Macbook pro, with a Geforce 9600 GT graphics card, 4gb of RAM, and a 2.5 ghz processor. Installation thankfully went perfectly smooth, however the next parts didn't. Out of all the Orange Box games, the only one to work well is Portal, the rest always crashing at some point or another. I'll list what happens with each non working game:
Half Life 2:
It crashes when I try to start a new game. My current launch options:
-novid +mat_hdr_level 0 -dxlevel 70 -width 800 -height 600 -windowed -heapsize 512000
Here are the errors it gives when it crashes:
failed to lock index buffer in CMeshDX8::LockIndexBuffer
Then, another window:
-pure virtual function call
Half-Life 2: Episode One:[/b]
Everything goes perfectly fine through the very beginning of the game, until exactly the point where, after conversing with her father and the doctor guy over webcam chat (or whatever it was, lol,) Alyx runs her hands over her face, then begins to smile. Then, it crashes. I think this is the point where the game begins to load something, or some action begins to happen. Whatever it is, the sound skips, and then the game crashes.
My launch options are, currently:
-novid +mat_hdr_level 0 -width 1024 -height 768 -dxlevel 81-windowed
Half-Life 2: Episode Two
This actually works pretty well, it just randomly crashes a lot. Usually right when something important happens, like when one of those robots jumps out at Alyx. I'm thinking it's like the problem in the previous episode.
My launch options are:
-novid +mat_hdr_level 0 -dx80
Team Fortress 2
A lot of random crashing. Usually right when I join a server, and, if not, A few minutes in to the game.
Launch options:
-novid +mat_hdr_level 0 -dxlevel 81 -w 1280 -h800
Anyway, I hope I don't sound like I'm being too whiny or anything. I really appreciate what these guys have done, and the way we can ask for help and usually expect response from the developers themselves is really awesome. Thanks in advance.