I've had some problems with game crashes using Steam Myst IV specifically in Haven and Serenia age. I routed around this issue in Haven by changing from Win7 to Win 10 to Win 8 in the Wine flask settings. The flask itself is Win 7 I think, or is what it says and was originally. I noticed Steam updates itself when changing this.
In Serenia age Myst IV runs fine for large parts, but at a certain place, seemingly without anything special, it crashes every time. There have been crashes in other places too, though not every time. I experimented with changing Windows version here too, but didn't help much.
I'm running in high quality mode as when not, the display would occasionally change size to just a part of the window. I did try without HQ, but didn't make a difference. Otherwise just the basics active, like DXVK .
Hardware original M1. I must say to have gotten this far has been very encouraging, It sure seems Codeweavers make great work.
Any ideas how to avoid crashes?