This instruction is a "dirty hack" only for MacOS (CrossOver), it will just skin the creatures, but you will not show the body damage. Maybe someone will see a tip for themselves and get to the bottom of how to fix this bug normally. And maybe someone will even unsubscribe and kick it in the right direction, so that this bug simply disappeared from the box, I myself am lazy, I have paws..
So again. The carcass will come back, but there won't be any abrasions or cuts on the carcass, but there will be blood on the ground. That's something, as they say.
The instructions may never change and were written for version 1.0.64. If anything changes, it's not my fault.
- Go to the folder with the installed game.
- Go to the /data/materials/deffered/ folder.
- open to edit the file skin.hlsl
- Go to line 131, the content is as follows:
oWet.y = ((float[4])(bloodAmount[partData.x/4])[partData.x%4]; // blood amount
It should be commented out, to look like this
// oWet.y = ((float[4])(bloodAmount[partData.x/4])[partData.x%4]; // blood amount
- Moving on to line 134, the content is as follows:
oWet.z = (partData.y & hiddenMask) == 0? 0.0: 1.0;
It should be commented out, make it look like this
// oWet.z == (partData.y & hiddenMask) == 0? 0.0: 1.0;
- Save the changes.
- Enjoy the game, which out of the box, without any gestures on Mac M1 16gb gives you 80fps 1920x1080.