Hello there,
I've got a question concerning possible regression in PW (including PWI which is officially supported by cxgames nowdays) which might be introduced in cxgames as soon as it would move into using Wine 1.4.x as the base.
Somewhere between Wine 1.3.9 and Wine 1.3.33 there were at least two commits to wine git which caused performance degradation in PW: first one is 68b15bc which enabled GL_ARB_map_buffer_range extension usage; second one is 1288078 which switched Wine handling of vsync into using wglSwapIntervalEXT extension. Third problem is that in-game skill and item icons got totally messed up somewhere during 1.3.9->1.3.33 development. Unfortunately I can't tell the exact commit sha which had caused this as I hadn't had enough spare time to bisect it yet.
What are the chances that these problems would made into future release of cxgames? In case they would - is there a proper way to install several versions of cxgames on the same PC? Sure, I have no problem with reverting the above commits, recompiling Wine 1.4.x and using resulting binaries instead of cxgames, but that would bring up additional maintenance burden on me I wanted to get rid of when been buying cxgames license. Thanks in advance for answer.