You haven't provided enough information to really help you ; I just
downloaded the UO installer you identify, opened the bottle manager,
created a new winxp bottle named UOSA, and then clicked on 'Install
Software' -> 'Other Application' -> navigated to the UOSA installer
exe and installed it -- no problems, no errors...
...with no idea what OS you're on, the best I can do is outlay an
installer usage procedure (the paragraph above), and point you at
the crossover support section ;
Hi there the operating system i am using is osx 10.5.8 with crossover games version 10.1.2 trial version. I have just tried it the way you mentioned and it is still not working. When i try it that way all that happens is it creates the bottle says it is installing but then just resets the bottle as if it is complete.
I have tried uninstalling and deleting all files numerous times and it always still says the same.
....hmmm... to answer your question, I typically test against crossover latest, be it
CXO or CXG -- in this case I just checked it on my linux box with CXG 10.1.1 (but
I feel that's inconsequential here -- it should work the same in macos)... that said...
...doesn't look correct, specifically `/Users/bryanwalesby/Desktop/gb\c\a' seems wrong that
I doubt it should be throwing backslashes on a directory path like that... are you using an external
hdrive or such'n'similar?
Thanks alot don I have it working now. I should of realised it was to do with the file path and such. I moved it to the bottles c:/ drive and it worked correctly from there. Thank you again for pointing it out to me.
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