Running a trial version 7.0.2 under OSX 10.5.4
I cannot save an xls file stored on native OSX filesystem. I can save if I use a different filename.
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Running a trial version 7.0.2 under OSX 10.5.4
I cannot save an xls file stored on native OSX filesystem. I can save if I use a different filename.
This has been reported to happen if you open an Excel or PPT file that was last saved by a version of Office 2003 or earlier on a Windows machine. It's probably some strange conversion error, but we haven't pinpointed the cause and once the doc is re-saved the problem doesn't happen again.
Thanks for the update.I have done some more playing and if I open an excel 2003 file created from inside fusion and saved to the osx disk system then "file save as" from inside x-over then try to do a plain "file save" I still get the sharing violation - the only way to save appears to be to save as a different filename each and every save. ie this works. Even if I try a "file save as" to the root of drive C: in the bottle I get the same sharing violation error.
Update: it seems to have something to do with MACROS. Opening an xls that never had any attached macros and no such issue. Opening an xls that used to have macros but they were all deleted seems to cause the issue.
Update: an xls with visual basic macros will not open without the macros being stripped. This is not good but once opened, the stripped xls an then be saved "normally". The above case was for a later revision of the xls where I have converted the macros to a normal xls calculation and then deleted the macros - this "slightly unusual" circumstance might be causing this error.
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