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access 2007 viewing object browser crashes


Linux openSuSE Tumbleweed
Crossover 18.5.0-1 (rpm)
Access from Office 2007 Professional (tested both version english and german)

I have another problem with "Access 2007":

When entering program mode and calling Object Browser (Alt-F11 -> View --> Object Browser, or pressing F2) crossover crashes.
I append a log-file:

Thanks Harald

Try to install IE7 and you should look this link too: Let me know and send me new logs. In the log you sent me wine is complaining about msimtf.dll. Try download it from the web and paste it in system 32 folder and set it to native in wine config,try this after installing Internet explorer 7 and if and only if IE7 doesn't fix the problem. You can also try to install the activex plugin in your bottle,use the script provided to crossover. Make a copy of your bottle because these operations may break your bottle. Let me know and send me new Logs. I hope we can sort this thing out.

Hi Simone,

I installed IE7 - no difference.

The link to bug 17464 is not working - no bug with this number found.

msimtf.dll: there was a dll installed (with only 3304 byte) - I downloaded from another "msimtf.dll" (from windows XP 143872 byte) ? what a difference in size - I made a copy of old library, installed new one and made an entry "msimtf / nativ" in wine config. Have I to restart wine after this change ?

activx plugin - a have no entry "activx plugin" in components of crossover !


Thanks for you help and time, Harald

Try to set riched20 to native it works for powerpoint in office 2007 maybe could help for this one too. In your Log I see an interesting AceDAO fixme that could be related to riched20 not set to native in wine. Try this one and let's see what happens.

riched20 / native did not solve the problem


As suggested here: to fix the issue "could not find dependent assembly LAceDAO" try install visual c++2005,this visual c++ version installer is not automatically avalible in crossover you must download it from the microsoft web site,corefonts if you haven't installed them already and Windows Script 5.6 (JScript only). Let's see if something changes in the next log file, if not I'm running out of ideas...


Sorry but I have no clues... I give up you can open a ticket and request some help to the developers. Use an office 2007 clean prefix and send the screenshots and logs about your problem.

Thank you for your help, ideas and time, Harald

Access 2007 (V12.0) crashes with Crossover 18.5.0-1 and 19.0.1 when opening "object manager" (F2):
I don't know if this can be helpful for somebody or somebody can do something with this:

==> run a Access-Form
==> Alt-F11 --> View --> Object browser (F2)
==> crash
==> debugging:

Unhandled exception: page fault on read access to 0x00000000 in 32-bit code (0x6504fb24).
Register dump:
 CS:0023 SS:002b DS:002b ES:002b FS:0063 GS:006b
 EIP:6504fb24 ESP:0033f07c EBP:0033f0f8 EFLAGS:00210246(  R- --  I  Z- -P- )
 EAX:00000000 EBX:00000000 ECX:0000007f EDX:00000000
 ESI:03e36cf0 EDI:00000000
Stack dump:
0x0033f07c:  650ac180 00000000 00000001 0033f698
0x0033f08c:  000201de 00000000 00000000 0000007f
0x0033f09c:  00000001 00000000 00000000 00000000
0x0033f0ac:  00000000 000201de 00000000 00000000
0x0033f0bc:  a456be00 0033f0e0 00000000 0033f220
0x0033f0cc:  7bcbdb72 00000002 0033f0e0 00000000
=>0 0x6504fb24 EntryPoint+0xf568() in vbe6 (0x0033f0f8)
  1 0x7df6d99c WINPROC_wrapper+0x1b() in user32 (0x0033f128)
  2 0x7df6df0d EditWndProcA+0x49c() in user32 (0x0033f168)
  3 0x7df6e2e9 EditWndProcA+0x878() in user32 (0x0033f628)
  4 0x7df70174 EditWndProcA+0x2703() in user32 (0x0033f668)
  5 0x7df2eb82 TranslateAcceleratorA+0x471() in user32 (0x0033f6d8)
  6 0x7df349da GetMessageA+0x799() in user32 (0x0033f738)
  7 0x7df34bf4 SendMessageW+0x53() in user32 (0x0033f778)
  8 0x7c9c6bcc X11DRV_DestroyWindow+0x47b() in winex11 (0x0033f808)
  9 0x7c9c8213 X11DRV_SetParent+0x62() in winex11 (0x0033f848)
  10 0x7df60834 SetParent+0x203() in user32 (0x0033f958)
  11 0x65132610 EntryPoint+0xf2053() in vbe6 (0x0033f994)
  12 0x650abe83 EntryPoint+0x6b8c6() in vbe6 (0x0033f9d4)
  13 0x651ab2bd EntryPoint+0x16ad00() in vbe6 (0x0033fa00)
  14 0x650a6966 EntryPoint+0x663a9() in vbe6 (0x0033fb9c)
  15 0x00003963 (0x7c842fcc)
  16 0x14245c8b (0xcfebc789)
0x6504fb24 EntryPoint+0xf568 in vbe6: movl      0x0(%eax),%eax
Module  Address                 Debug info      Name (154 modules)
PE       1470000- 1ac4000       Deferred        msores
PE       1af0000- 2528000       Deferred        msointl
PE       4000000- 40a0000       Deferred        acewstr
PE      1b5d0000-1b665000       Deferred        mswstr10
PE      1f7f0000-1f80a000       Deferred        odbccp32
PE      1f840000-1f859000       Deferred        odbcint
PE      30000000-30a03000       Deferred        msaccess
PE      32600000-33618000       Deferred        mso
PE      33d00000-33e5a000       Deferred        msain
PE      341f0000-3439b000       Deferred        acecore
PE      343f0000-3441d000       Deferred        acees
PE      3a780000-3a889000       Deferred        riched20
PE      3bd10000-3bea5000       Deferred        ogl
PE      5dca0000-5dce5000       Deferred        iertutil
PE      603b0000-60416000       Deferred        mscoreei
PE      61410000-61534000       Deferred        urlmon
PE      65000000-65278000       Export          vbe6
PE      65300000-6532d000       Deferred        vbe6intl
PE      6bdc0000-6be7a000       Deferred        msptls
PE      79000000-7904a000       Deferred        mscoree
ELF     7b192000-7b1ce000       Deferred        uxtheme<elf>
  \-PE  7b1a0000-7b1ce000       \               uxtheme
ELF     7b1d8000-7b1f6000       Deferred
ELF     7b252000-7b278000       Deferred
ELF     7b278000-7b345000       Deferred
ELF     7b345000-7b366000       Deferred
ELF     7b366000-7b400000       Deferred
ELF     7b400000-7b846000       Deferred        kernel32<elf>
  \-PE  7b430000-7b846000       \               kernel32
ELF     7b848000-7b860000       Deferred        wtsapi32<elf>
  \-PE  7b850000-7b860000       \               wtsapi32
ELF     7b860000-7b8a1000       Deferred
ELF     7b8a1000-7b958000       Deferred
ELF     7b958000-7bc00000       Deferred
ELF     7bc00000-7bd56000       Deferred        ntdll<elf>
  \-PE  7bc30000-7bd56000       \               ntdll
ELF     7bd66000-7bd95000       Deferred
ELF     7bd95000-7bdee000       Deferred
ELF     7bdee000-7be7d000       Deferred
ELF     7be7d000-7c000000       Deferred
ELF     7c000000-7c003000       Deferred        <wine-loader>
ELF     7c011000-7c01c000       Deferred
ELF     7c01c000-7c035000       Deferred
ELF     7c035000-7c06f000       Deferred
ELF     7c06f000-7c0b1000       Deferred
ELF     7c0b1000-7c0c7000       Deferred
ELF     7c0c7000-7c0e7000       Deferred
ELF     7c0e7000-7c21f000       Deferred
ELF     7c21f000-7c400000       Deferred
ELF     7c406000-7c40d000       Deferred
ELF     7c40d000-7c41d000       Deferred
ELF     7c41d000-7c422000       Deferred
ELF     7c422000-7c43f000       Deferred
ELF     7c43f000-7c50c000       Deferred
ELF     7c50c000-7c522000       Deferred
ELF     7c522000-7c532000       Deferred
ELF     7c532000-7c582000       Deferred
ELF     7c582000-7c640000       Deferred
ELF     7c640000-7c6c1000       Deferred        wineps<elf>
  \-PE  7c660000-7c6c1000       \               wineps
ELF     7c6c1000-7c6c9000       Deferred
ELF     7c6c9000-7c6d6000       Deferred
ELF     7c6d6000-7c6e9000       Deferred
ELF     7c6e9000-7c6ee000       Deferred
ELF     7c6ee000-7c6fc000       Deferred
ELF     7c6fc000-7c709000       Deferred
ELF     7c709000-7c711000       Deferred
ELF     7c711000-7c79a000       Deferred        setupapi<elf>
  \-PE  7c720000-7c79a000       \               setupapi
ELF     7c79a000-7c7c8000       Deferred
ELF     7c7c8000-7c919000       Deferred
ELF     7c919000-7c92f000       Deferred
ELF     7c969000-7ca1e000       Dwarf           winex11<elf>
  \-PE  7c990000-7ca1e000       \               winex11
ELF     7ca1e000-7ca42000       Deferred        bcrypt<elf>
  \-PE  7ca30000-7ca42000       \               bcrypt
ELF     7ca42000-7cb35000       Deferred        crypt32<elf>
  \-PE  7ca60000-7cb35000       \               crypt32
ELF     7cb35000-7cb6d000       Deferred        wintrust<elf>
  \-PE  7cb40000-7cb6d000       \               wintrust
ELF     7cb6d000-7cbc4000       Deferred        winspool<elf>
  \-PE  7cb80000-7cbc4000       \               winspool
ELF     7cbc4000-7ccca000       Deferred        comdlg32<elf>
  \-PE  7cbd0000-7ccca000       \               comdlg32
ELF     7ccca000-7cce4000       Deferred        mspatcha<elf>
  \-PE  7ccd0000-7cce4000       \               mspatcha
ELF     7cce4000-7ccfe000       Deferred        imagehlp<elf>
  \-PE  7ccf0000-7ccfe000       \               imagehlp
ELF     7ccfe000-7cd18000       Deferred        sxs<elf>
  \-PE  7cd00000-7cd18000       \               sxs
ELF     7cd18000-7cd63000       Deferred        usp10<elf>
  \-PE  7cd20000-7cd63000       \               usp10
ELF     7cd63000-7cebd000       Deferred        comctl32<elf>
  \-PE  7cd80000-7cebd000       \               comctl32
ELF     7cebd000-7cef8000       Deferred        ws2_32<elf>
  \-PE  7ced0000-7cef8000       \               ws2_32
ELF     7cef8000-7cf24000       Deferred        mpr<elf>
  \-PE  7cf00000-7cf24000       \               mpr
ELF     7cf24000-7cfc7000       Deferred        wininet<elf>
  \-PE  7cf40000-7cfc7000       \               wininet
ELF     7cfc7000-7d10d000       Deferred        oleaut32<elf>
  \-PE  7d000000-7d10d000       \               oleaut32
ELF     7d10d000-7d275000       Deferred        msi<elf>
  \-PE  7d130000-7d275000       \               msi
ELF     7d275000-7d29a000       Deferred        imm32<elf>
  \-PE  7d280000-7d29a000       \               imm32
ELF     7d4fd000-7d51d000       Deferred        cabinet<elf>
  \-PE  7d500000-7d51d000       \               cabinet
ELF     7d51d000-7d527000       Deferred
ELF     7d527000-7d55c000       Deferred
ELF     7d55c000-7d5a5000       Deferred
ELF     7d5a5000-7d5bf000       Deferred
ELF     7d5bf000-7d604000       Deferred
ELF     7d604000-7d61d000       Deferred
ELF     7d61d000-7d6d5000       Deferred
ELF     7d6d5000-7d841000       Deferred        msvcp80<elf>
  \-PE  7d730000-7d841000       \               msvcp80
ELF     7d841000-7d921000       Deferred        msvcr80<elf>
  \-PE  7d870000-7d921000       \               msvcr80
ELF     7d921000-7d9b6000       Deferred        rpcrt4<elf>
  \-PE  7d940000-7d9b6000       \               rpcrt4
ELF     7d9b6000-7db1f000       Deferred        ole32<elf>
  \-PE  7d9f0000-7db1f000       \               ole32
ELF     7db65000-7db6b000       Deferred
ELF     7dba4000-7dbb7000       Deferred        msimg32<elf>
  \-PE  7dbb0000-7dbb7000       \               msimg32
ELF     7dbb7000-7dbdc000       Deferred        shcore<elf>
  \-PE  7dbc0000-7dbdc000       \               shcore
ELF     7dbdc000-7dcb1000       Deferred        msvcrt<elf>
  \-PE  7dc00000-7dcb1000       \               msvcrt
ELF     7dcb1000-7dcc7000       Deferred        version<elf>
  \-PE  7dcc0000-7dcc7000       \               version
ELF     7dcc7000-7dd49000       Deferred        advapi32<elf>
  \-PE  7dce0000-7dd49000       \               advapi32
ELF     7dd49000-7dea3000       Deferred        gdi32<elf>
  \-PE  7dd70000-7dea3000       \               gdi32
ELF     7dea3000-7e0d7000       Dwarf           user32<elf>
  \-PE  7ded0000-7e0d7000       \               user32
ELF     7e0d7000-7e13c000       Deferred        shlwapi<elf>
  \-PE  7e0f0000-7e13c000       \               shlwapi
ELF     7e13c000-7eb4c000       Deferred        shell32<elf>
  \-PE  7e170000-7eb4c000       \               shell32
ELF     7ee18000-7ee2b000       Deferred        wow64cpu<elf>
  \-PE  7ee20000-7ee2b000       \               wow64cpu
ELF     7ee2b000-7eeb7000       Deferred        kernelbase<elf>
  \-PE  7ee40000-7eeb7000       \               kernelbase
ELF     7eeb7000-7efbb000       Deferred
ELF     7efbb000-7efc6000       Deferred
ELF     7efc6000-7efcb000       Deferred
ELF     f7b25000-f7b2b000       Deferred
ELF     f7b2b000-f7d16000       Deferred
ELF     f7d16000-f7d38000       Deferred
ELF     f7d72000-f7f2a000       Dwarf 
ELF     f7f2c000-f7f56000       Deferred
process  tid      prio (all id:s are in hex)
0000000c services.exe
        00000031    0
        00000024    0
        0000001f    0
        0000001a    0
        00000016    0
        00000012    0
        00000011    0
        0000000e    0
        0000000d    0
0000000f winedevice.exe
        00000017    0
        00000015    0
        00000014    0
        00000010    0
00000018 plugplay.exe
        0000001c    0
        0000001b    0
        00000019    0
0000001d winedevice.exe
        00000023    0
        00000022    0
        00000021    0
        00000020    0
        0000001e    0
00000025 explorer.exe
        00000029    0
        00000028    0
        00000027    0
        00000026    0
0000002a (D) C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\MSACCESS.EXE
        00000041    0
        0000003d    0
        0000003c    1
        0000003b    1
        0000003a    1
        0000002d    0
        0000002b    0 <==
0000002f rpcss.exe
        00000036    0
        00000035    0
        00000034    0
        00000033    0
        00000032    0
        00000030    0
System information:
    Wine build: wine-4.12.1-8288-g34b6b22
    Platform: i386
    Version: Windows XP
    Host system: Linux
    Host version: 5.4.12-1-default

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