When I try to browse to a local file, IE7 does not list the files in the open dialog, just folders. Also, specifying a file path that works fine in IE6 does not work in IE7. i.e. Y:\Sites\index.html
IE7 also hangs frequently, though I haven't been able to isolate specific circumstances.
I have not been able to get Outlook OWA to work. It eventually hangs, same as you described.
Running IE7 w/Crossover 8.0 also tends to hog the CPU (as observed via Activity Monitor) & causing my MacBook Pro fans to rev up & stay on until I quit Crossover altogether. Same problem with IE6, though less frequent.
Running IE7 w/Crossover 8.0 also tends to hog the CPU (as observed
via Activity Monitor) & causing my MacBook Pro fans to rev up & stay
on until I quit Crossover altogether. Same problem with IE6, though
less frequent.
Does this happen with any web page in IE with Crossover, or only certain pages?
Running IE7 w/Crossover 8.0 also tends to hog the CPU
(as observed via Activity Monitor) & causing my MacBook Pro fans
rev up & stay on until I quit Crossover altogether. Same problem
with IE6, though less frequent.
Does this happen with any web page in IE with Crossover, or only
certain pages?
As far as I can tell, it's not specific to any particular web page. Sometimes I'm surfing from one page to another when it occurs. Other times I'm not using IE at all - it's running, but it's just sitting there in the background with whatever page I was on last and then the CPU usage starts revving up.
This issue has been forwarded to the Official CodeWeavers Ticket System. If you have observed this issue and would like to report it as well, please open a support ticket or send an email to info@codeweavers.com with a description of what you are seeing and a link to this post.
Does nothing, at all, happen? Or do you get a little error box
when you try to "save as"?
Actually, I hadn't tested this until just now, but I do get a save dialog box. After navigating to where I want to save (in this case my Desktop folder), I click "save" and it starts working (progress bar). However, it then stops & I get a "Error Saving Webpage" pop-up that says "This webpage could not be saved." Same thing with a couple of different pages.
Is your Outlook web access "light" or "premium"? "light" should
work fine in IE7 with Crossover.
I've been using Premium, but I believe I have the option of using either. I previously used Premium with IE6 and Crossover 7.x with no problems for quite a while.
Is your Outlook web access "light" or "premium"? "light" should
work fine in IE7 with Crossover.
Actually, I just got the premium version to load from within my company firewall (there's additional authentication when coming from outside). However, after a few minutes, IE7 locked up. Now menus, buttons, etc are unresponsive.
Unfortunately, with the exception of the IE7 hogging CPU issue (we've forwarded that post onto the ticket system so we can track it more closely and create a bug), the rest of the issues have been identified with IE7 in Crossover.
Simply put, IE7 in Crossover has quite a few holes in it at present, and our developers are working hard on a Crossover 8.x bug-fix release to vastly improve IE7 functionality, which should be out in a few months (end of summer). Many of the fixes and patches we put into IE7 for the 8.0 release were specific to individual websites and services, and these patches did not carry over to larger web protocols (i.e. work on other websites) as much as thought. In the meantime, we recommend that users install and use IE6 with Crossover, which is a much more complete implementation (for now).
Hm...on my Mac, IE7's Open file dialogue doesn't even open. On Linux, it opens and I can browse around my file system, but the "file type" drop down is broken and I can't select anything.
Can you please file a ticket for the OWA light client not working in IE7? That one really should work.
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