According to the product info page, "CrossOver Mac Professional includes functionality allowing system administrators to package a CrossOver Mac install, as well as any Windows applications installed under CrossOver". Well, I got the pro version, but for the life of me I can't figure out how to make use of this feature. I don't see anything in the menus or bottle configuration screens about this, and the online documentation apparently only talks about the standard one-there is no mention, for example, of the "publish" button in the advanced tab of the pro version (although that button is self-explanatory). The closest thing I have been able to find is the "Make archive" and "Add From Archive" buttons, which work, but a) are available on the standard, and b) don't really fit the description anyway. So can anyone give me a hint as to how to make use of the "Advanced Deployability Features"? Thanks.
Israel Brewster
PC Support Tech II
Frontier Alaska
Fairbanks, AK 99709