On MacOS 14.1.1, CrossOver 23.7
The latest battle.net update crashes wine.
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On MacOS 14.1.1, CrossOver 23.7
The latest battle.net update crashes wine.
I am experiencing the same issue. Everything worked fine pressed update on Battlenet and now it keeps crashing as soon as I open it.
Same here. Fully reset my Mac to see if it that fix it no luck.
Zachary Schneder wrote:
On MacOS 14.1.1, CrossOver 23.7
The latest battle.net update crashes wine.
Same crash (Sonoma 14.1.1) MacBook Pro m1
Same issue for me.
seen this on Mac gaming reddit
Thank you for reaching out. We have replicated this failure after the Battle.net client was updated, and are looking into solutions. We don’t have any immediate suggestions, but will attach your ticket to our bug report so we can notify you if we find a fix. We appreciate your patience, and apologies for the inconvenience.
CodeWeavers Support
Hi folks,
Our developers are on the case! We will have a CrossOver release soon to add a fix for the latest battle.net update. In the meantime, here's a workaround:
Go to your Battle.net bottle, select the battle.net launcher, and select "Run with options" in the right sidebar.
Check "Create log file", clear the "Logging channels" field and enter "WINE_SIMULATE_WRITECOPY=1" (without the quotes) in the "Environment Variables" field.
You'll need to do this on every launch, but it should get you going until we have an automatic solution in a CrossOver update.
Meredith Johnson wrote:
Hi folks,
Our developers are on the case! We will have a CrossOver release soon to add a fix for the latest battle.net update. In the meantime, here's a workaround:
Go to your Battle.net bottle, select the battle.net launcher, and select "Run with options" in the right sidebar.
Check "Create log file", clear the "Logging channels" field and enter "WINE_SIMULATE_WRITECOPY=1" (without the quotes) in the "Environment Variables" field.
You'll need to do this on every launch, but it should get you going until we have an automatic solution in a CrossOver update.
Thank you!
I experienced this problem also and resolved it, at least for now, by restoring my bottle from a Time Machine backup made less than an hour earlier. The previous version of the Battle.net application works fine, just don’t initiate the update to the current version until the next update to Crossover.
I spoke too early.
While I was able to re-install D4 and Battle net,
errors of all different types keep popping up.
Says "Must run windows 10" ? and goes into a crash loop again.
I choose WINE Win11 - works for now.
Hoping for a better fix!
Thanks for looking into it!
Thank you, the workaround works correctly here
Hope you can get a fix soon :)
I follow the instructions for a temporary solution, but the application does not start. Hangs on the authorization form.
Meredith Johnson wrote:
Hi folks,
Our developers are on the case! We will have a CrossOver release soon to add a fix for the latest battle.net update. In the meantime, here's a workaround:
Go to your Battle.net bottle, select the battle.net launcher, and select "Run with options" in the right sidebar.
Check "Create log file", clear the "Logging channels" field and enter "WINE_SIMULATE_WRITECOPY=1" (without the quotes) in the "Environment Variables" field.
You'll need to do this on every launch, but it should get you going until we have an automatic solution in a CrossOver update.
FYI. Workaround doesn't work now.
Is anyone else still able to interact with the Bnet app itself? If I just leave the crash dialogs where they are when they appear, I can still launch games and exit the program by interacting with the Windows tray icon in my menu bar. Diablo IV continues to play absolutely fine. Oh, and I still see the Bnet status pop ups so I know when games are finished updating.
The workaround is great, but until there's an official fix, I'm content at the moment because I can still launch my games.
Max P wrote:
Meredith Johnson wrote:
Hi folks,
Our developers are on the case! We will have a CrossOver release soon to add a fix for the latest battle.net update. In the meantime, here's a workaround:
Go to your Battle.net bottle, select the battle.net launcher, and select "Run with options" in the right sidebar.
Check "Create log file", clear the "Logging channels" field and enter "WINE_SIMULATE_WRITECOPY=1" (without the quotes) in the "Environment Variables" field.
You'll need to do this on every launch, but it should get you going until we have an automatic solution in a CrossOver update.
MeredithFYI. Workaround doesn't work now.
This is what worked for me:
I edited the cxbottle.conf file directly, adding the following line at the bottom under the Environment Variable section:
Saved the file, and now it works every time (so far!).
I find diffrent solution. Go programfile folden delete new battle.net version than try again problem is Battle.net.14542
Max P wrote:
I follow the instructions for a temporary solution, but the application does not start. Hangs on the authorization form.
Same here.
Mert Eren wrote:
I find diffrent solution. Go programfile folden delete new battle.net version than try again problem is Battle.net.14542
Thanks for the tip. It worked for me, though I just renamed folder Battle.net.14542.
For those who are quesy about deleting folders you can rename the Battle.net.14542 folder to oldBattle.net.14542 and it will load 14494. It will recreate the Battle.net.14542 folder to get ready for the update. Just make sure you don't restart the app and only exit.
I knew that bnet update was coming eventually. I remember writing a quick work around for it a while back when I discovered their betas were breaking wine.
But bnet always archives the previous version. a completely runable one. you just navigate to it, and delete all files for current one and it'll automaticlly launch into previous version on launch instead. it'l still keep downloading latest one but you try to avoid it
Fred Tsui wrote:
Mert Eren wrote:
I find diffrent solution. Go programfile folden delete new battle.net version than try again problem is Battle.net.14542
Thanks for the tip. It worked for me, though I just renamed folder Battle.net.14542.
For those who are quesy about deleting folders you can rename the Battle.net.14542 folder to oldBattle.net.14542 and it will load 14494. It will recreate the Battle.net.14542 folder to get ready for the update. Just make sure you don't restart the app and only exit.
Looks like you have to keep deleting the 14542 folder before launching BNet.
I foolishly deleted the Wine Bottle and now I can't even reinstall because I get the error during installation...
Same issue. No workaround needed if the turnaround for a hotfix will be quick? Thank you!
You can just close the battle.net login when you get the error, when crossover pops up that there was an error, choose "Skip this step" and finish then installation. Then you can implement the work around.
Thank you for fixing this so quickly!
The app battle.net is not working today. The app worked yesterday
Max P wrote:
The app battle.net is not working today. The app worked yesterday
Hi Max,
What CrossOver version are you using? If it's 23.7.1, what issue are you having?
j'ai le même problème, quand je lance crossover et battle.net( message erreur battle.net.exe rencontre une erreur et doit être fermer.)
j'ai suivi la procédure de contournement mais hélas cela ne fonctionne pas
on et bien d'accord quil faut cliqué sur "créer un fichier journal et de supprimer la ligne puis de y mettre
WINE-SIMULATE-WRITECOPY-1 dans le variables de l'environnement?
merci pour votre retour
Atalante74 wrote:
j'ai le même problème, quand je lance crossover et battle.net( message erreur battle.net.exe rencontre une erreur et doit être fermer.)
j'ai suivi la procédure de contournement mais hélas cela ne fonctionne pasprocédure:
Salut les gens,
Nos développeurs sont sur le cas. Nous aurons bientôt une version de CrossOver pour ajouter un correctif pour la dernière mise à jour battle.net. En attendant, voici une solution de contournement :
Allez dans votre flacon Battle.net, sélectionnez le lanceur battle.net, et sélectionnez "Run with options" dans la barre latérale droite.
Vérifiez "Créer un fichier journal", effacer le champ "Moînes de connexion" et entrez "WINE-SIMULATE-WRITECOPY-1" (sans les citations) dans le champ "Variables de l'environnement".on et bien d'accord quil faut cliqué sur "créer un fichier journal et de supprimer la ligne puis de y mettre
WINE-SIMULATE-WRITECOPY-1 dans le variables de l'environnement?merci pour votre retour
This issue was fixed with CrossOver 23.7.1; please give that a go.
Meredith Johnson wrote:
Max P wrote:
The app battle.net is not working today. The app worked yesterday
Hi Max,
What CrossOver version are you using? If it's 23.7.1, what issue are you having?
Crossover 23.7.1. Works only with workaround.
Yesterday everything worked fine after the update. Today only with a workaround
Meredith Johnson wrote:
Max P wrote:
The app battle.net is not working today. The app worked yesterday
Hi Max,
What CrossOver version are you using? If it's 23.7.1, what issue are you having?
Testing right now. It's fine. thank you
I'm on the latest patch but keep getting "You need at least Windows 10 (version 1909)" every time i try to launch Diablo IV. Battle net starts up fine now after the patch but diablo won't launch. Any ideas?
TRW wrote:
I'm on the latest patch but keep getting "You need at least Windows 10 (version 1909)" every time i try to launch Diablo IV. Battle net starts up fine now after the patch but diablo won't launch. Any ideas?
If you search for "Diablo IV" within CrossOver to install, that will set the Windows version correctly.
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