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Crossover freezes on startup.

I'm trying to run trial versions of both Crossover Mac and Crossover Games. Both programs open, show the welcome menu, then promptly freeze, giving me the rainbow wheel of doom. I updated with XQuartz to 2.4.0, uninstalled and reinstalled both trials, and left it open, just to see if it would start working after a while (20 minutes later, still spinning rainbow wheel). What am I doing wrong exactly? I have a Intel dualcore Macbook Pro, 10.5.8, with 4GB Ram and a 2.5GHz processor, so I don't think it's that it's too powerful a program to run.

I don't know why that might be happening. When you uninstalled, did you delete the associated files? Try the procedure shown here:

If it's still freezing after that, try disabling any haxies, input managers, contextual menu plug-ins, and similar "system enhancer" software. If that doesn't help, you might try creating a new user account on your Mac, logging into that, and trying there. If it works there, then the problem is specific to your user account.

Also, what is written to the console log when you try to start CrossOver and it freezes? You can check using /Applications/Utilities/

9/21/09 7:59:20 PM [0x0-0x14c14c].com.codeweavers.CrossOver[2434] dyld: warning, DYLD_ setting caused circular dependency in /Applications/

I'll try clearing the associated files now, and let you know how that goes.

That dyld warning is benign. It's unavoidable, unfortunately, but not a problem.

So Crossover and CO Games load now, without freezing, but they won't install one of the programs I'd like one of them to, no$gba. It's been either "Installing Unsupported Software" or "Installing Other Games" for 10 minutes and then I give up.

no$gba was running ok with linux & COG 7.2.x series...I think fellow advocate
PaultheTall got the thing going on his Mac...(or maybe he didn't, too long ago
to recall) ...the app does look like it worked in the 7.2.x series....see;

I'll let my penguin have at it again with COG-8.0 (when I get a spare moment)
and check if it's still sane (in linux)...

No$GBA doesn't actually have an installer - it runs just fine, if I try and 'Install Unsupported' with it, it never knows it was finished and does just sit there waiting - but it also pops up a file dialog asking me to choose a ROM (I don't actually have any, so I'll just assume that works).

In short, you don't need to install it as there's no installer to speak of - running the .exe is all you need to do.

I'll leave someone who knows about the Mac to tell you the best way to do that, as I'm a penguinista, myself.

Carl Morgan wrote:

No$GBA doesn't actually have an installer - it runs just fine, if I
try and 'Install Unsupported' with it, it never knows it was
finished and does just sit there waiting - but it also pops up a
file dialog asking me to choose a ROM (I don't actually have any, so
I'll just assume that works).

In short, you don't need to install it as there's no installer to
speak of - running the .exe is all you need to do.

I'll leave someone who knows about the Mac to tell you the best way
to do that, as I'm a penguinista, myself.

Ahh!'re right Carl, that sortta jogs my memory a bit about actually using the thing...and yes, my penguin was
prepared to swallow the few ROMs I threw at it....I think in the end, I figured the easiest thing to do was to make
a new bottle, manually copy No$GBA into that, and then use control-panel to create a (desktop) shortcut to that exe,
so then everytime you doubleclicked it, it'd ask for a ROM, load it, and thar' she blows...worked fine.

When I put No$GBA into a the c drive program files in the bottle, this error was returned.

Edit: Sorry, after I put it into the c drive (I tried program files and users) and then told Crossover to run the program, I received this.

StdErr:winewrapper.exe:error: cannot execute L"\"/Users/neofreak4now/Library/Application Support/CrossOver/Bottles/No/drive_c/Program Files/NO.EXE\""

Yet another edit: I'm an idiot, haha. I got it to open wonderfully with just the file > open. Leave it to me to make things more complicated. Thanks for all of your help!

No problem....for the curious, runs fine in linux/COG 8.0 as well...

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