I am encountering problems shutting down Crossover Pro 9.0. I am using a MacBook Pro running Snow Leopard.
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I am encountering problems shutting down Crossover Pro 9.0. I am using a MacBook Pro running Snow Leopard.
What kind of problems? ie, I'm on 10.6.2 on a MacBook Pro and MacPro and Crossover Pro 9.0 and haven't seen any shutdown problems? Is it happening after a specific program is used?
Not particular to any program — the quit hangs up when its gets to shutting down individual bottles, and even Force Shutdown within Crossover fails to close the program. I have to use the Finder's Force Quit to close it.
I've got a ticket open where in Crossover Games sometimes if the bottles are stuck in initializing, I have to force quit my way out out it. Are your bottles stuck in initializing by any chance when this happens?
Yes — this appears to be the same problem.
Here's my ticket. You can email info@codeweavers.com and tell them you're seeing the same thing.
abeta, your ticket is due to misbehavior in a part of CrossOver (Games) which has been completely removed and replaced in 9.0. So, I don't expect it will still happen in the 9.0 generation of products. If something like it does happen, it will have a completely different root cause.
gregoryk, you can and should open a support ticket for what you're seeing, as suggested. On first run of a new version of CrossOver, your bottles will be upgraded during initialization. This will take a long time and may not be interruptible with Force Shutdown. Were your bottles performing their first initialization? Did you give them a few minutes to complete the upgrade?
Ah ok, my mistake. I wasn't sure it was completely resolved in 9.0.
Ken, it was not the first running of Crossover. It has happened almost every time I run Crossover on my MacBook. Interestingly, it does not happen on my new iMac.
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