Can I get Outlook 2007 to open attachments with specific applications (IE Word for Mac)?
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Can I get Outlook 2007 to open attachments with specific applications (IE Word for Mac)?
CrossOver relies on the Launch Services framework of Mac OS X, which is basically the same thing the Finder uses. So, you use the same mechanism to direct document types to specific applications.
Select a document of the relevant type. Select File > Get Info. In the Open With section of the info window, select the desired application. Click Change All to use that application for all documents of that type and confirm.
Hmm....I'm using outlook and that behavior doesn't seem to apply to attachments. I did try saving one and assigning ppt fo mac as the defualt again, but it still opens in ppt for windows.
Ah. If there is a Windows program that handles that document type in the same bottle, that does take precedence.
To fix that, you'd have to edit the registry to disable the mapping of ppt files to Windows PowerPoint:
That will effectively disable the in-bottle handling of .ppt files and they will be routed out to a Mac-native program, as configured for that document type in the Get Info window.
That did it. Thanks!
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