Hi there,
I am simply trying to open a patch.exe file from a folder on my desktop. I've tried everything from using the 'run' command and installing it's own bottle and nothing happens. Not sure what I'm doing wrong here!
Hope you can help!
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Hi there,
I am simply trying to open a patch.exe file from a folder on my desktop. I've tried everything from using the 'run' command and installing it's own bottle and nothing happens. Not sure what I'm doing wrong here!
Hope you can help!
One imagines here that the 'patch.exe' file is actually meant to
patch another win32 app you already have installed in a bottle? If
this is the case, on the Mac.. Crossover menu -> Programs -> Run Command
then select the bottle you wish to use and navigate to the patch.exe
file using the Browse button, Open the file -> Run ..should work...
...you would use a very similar procedure even if this is not
specifically what you're trying to do there 8)
Hi Don,
Ok, I better start from the beginning!
I have a patch.exe file in a folder on the desktop. I then create a 'bottle' for it. Then I've followed your instructions in your message, it runs...and then nothing.
Any ideas?
What exactly is this 'patch.exe' file for?
Hi Don,
It's an update for a music program but the provider only provide windows updates.
Hi again,
Umm...okay...it's a win32 music program running in Crossover
is it? Which one? Or are you attempting to apply this patch to
a non-win32 port of the same program?...is it possible for you
to upload the patch somewhere like rapidshare or such so I can
have a look at it?...
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