So, i've paid for this product, and can't update it.... Then why did I pay??
Allow me to update, please.
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So, i've paid for this product, and can't update it.... Then why did I pay??
Allow me to update, please.
It's actually cross over games is what i bought, but all the same, it didn't work either...
I'm not entirely sure you can 'update' as such from 7.2 to 9.1 as the version
jump is too big...that said, what do you mean by saying it doesn't work? What
error messages do you see (in any)? It's a bit unclear as to what is not working
for you...can you provide some more details as to what exactly the trouble is?
First of all, why did i buy the incomplete product if i can't update it to the product that works and is current? With the exact same name but higher version....
By not work, i mean it tells me there is a new version of cross over out, and i try to update with my account that has already bought the software and it tells me that i no longer can update or something ridiculous...
Hi again,
You do not 'buy' this product -- you buy a license period that entitles you
to use that product, and get support/updates for the duration of your license. If
you purchased a Crossover usage license for the 7.2 release, and have not updated
(extended) your licensing agreement (or renewed it), you would not be entitled to
version 9.1 as your license period would have expired. You can of course still use
your (complete) version of 7.2 as you've already purchases a license for that version,
but to get any of the newer Crossover versions (that were released after you license
period expired), you would need to repurchase/renew your license...
If you've (recently) purchased a Crossover license, and the 9.1 version was released
within the support period covered by that license, you would be entitled to the 9.1
upgrade -- if that's the case and you can't upgrade, then something's awry and you
best bet will be to email explaining the situation ; the
Codeweavers folks will get it sorted in short time if an accounting blunder has taken
place here....
Hope this helps.
So say i'm playing a video game, and they decide to release an update that without the update i would not be able to play that game, so they decide for the sake of pure low grade prophet that they will charge everyone the price of the game to continue playing the game....
Nobody would ever buy their product again.
Essentially this is what you are doing.
That's not the same. You are not required to upgrade. You can keep using 7.2.
You purchased the product at a particular time. You were and are entitled to all upgrades which were released from that time until your support period expired. (Some other software companies determine the releases you're entitled to based on version number instead of time, but it's not substantially different from a time period. After a certain point, you need to pay to get further upgrades.)
You really expect to purchase a software product once and get all future upgrades to it for no extra charge? Does that happen for Mac OS X? Does it happen for Photoshop? Does it happen for anything?
When it's a software product that isn't updating to the point where it's completely different, then YES.
Crossover 9.x is completely different from 7.2 -- revised GUI based on a different widget
set, over 7,000 changes and fixes to the core engine code, the new C4P installer system that
isn't even part of previous releases, many more win32 apps/games run in Crossover 9.x that
didn't work in previous releases of Crossover...I could go on for a bit more, but essentially
your analogy totally misses the point -- you're trying to draw parallels between two completely
different software marketing concepts that have nothing in common with each other, and the kind
of software you're using in example here is not even similar to the functionality and purposed
usage of Crossover itself....this is what Ken meant by 'that's not the same' - the arguments you
are trying to use here do not apply to; you were referring to a 'video game' ;
Crossover is nothing like that in the fact, you'd be hard pressed try to find
another software suite 'out there' that parallels what Crossover/wine do (as a piece of software)
-- it really is in a niche of it's own....
In a week or so of time, Crossover 9.2 will be out -- it will be different again ; more
improvements and functionality, more apps supported...etc etc etc...and this sort of thing
will continue for many many years, until the wine core is a 'perfect' recreation of the
win32 API ....which to be honest, may not ever happen -- 64bit Windows OS will, invariably,
replace the 32bit versions one day, and Crossover/wine will end up moving towards the
recreation of that Windows API as well...and life goes on...
If you don't think the newer versions of Crossover are 'different enough', or that they
haven't improved or acquired enough extra features or capabilities to be worth paying for
another license (or license renewal), that's fine -- you really are entitled to your opinion,
and no one's holding a gun to your head forcing you to buy -- you can continue to use your 7.2
release or you might try Wine (pure) instead?'s free you know, and so the premises of
cost don't apply there.....see for more info in that regard.
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