Sorry to say this but in my opinion this program is crap. I haven't got a single windows app/games to run properly on my Intel based MacBook Pro...
So far I've tried Star Trek Online, LOTRO, Mass Effect 1, Star Wars Battlefront II, Guild Wars and Rome: Total War, even tho I have looked at the forums and done what they have said. I can install them well enough but as soon as it comes to having to run them, nothing happens. ☹️
I'm hoping it's just me being a noob as I would love not to have to be forced into installing Windows in Boot Camp again, it really eats up my 160 GB HDD...
That said, I've only got the 30-day trial version and I'm not about to pay money for this program when it can't even remotely do what is promised for me...
I hope someone can help prove me wrong.
My Mac's specs are:
Intel based MacBook Pro 13,3",
2.23 GHz Core 2 Duo-processor,
NVIDIA GeForce 9400M up to 256 MB DDR3 RAM,
running Mac OS X Snow Leopard
I am using CrossOver (Plain) Version 9.2.
Lastly, can anyone tell me what CrossOver Games is supposed to do better with games than Plain? I've tried installing a few of these games in the Games version but still can't get any of it to work. And now I only have 4 days left on the trial. (I think it is quite odd that the Plain version has a 30 day trial whereas the Games version only has 7 days?)