For the persons who need to use "soins 2000" on a Mac using CrossOver, i'll describe the way it worked for me:
you have to install "soins 2000" in the classic way using CrossOver installer.
It may not work.
Add the file "msvcp60.dll" (search in google) in the folder
~/Library/Application\ Support/CrossOver/Bottles/"bottle_Name"/drive_c/windows/system32
you have to replace "bottle_Name" by the name you give to the bottle where you install "soins 2000".
Create an empty txt file named "noblend.txt" in the folder
~/Library/Application\ Support/CrossOver/Bottles/"bottle_Name"/drive_c/Program Files/s2000
source: [/link][link=]
if your version of "soins 2000" comes with a Vitale card Reader such as Vital'Act (vtal'act)
you need to configure your windows bottle to connect its COM1 port to the usb port where the reader is connected.
To do this, you have to make a symbolic link between the device (located in /dev/ with a name like "cu.usb411") and the COM1 in the bottle.
So, open the terminal and go to the right windows bottle folder:
cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/CrossOver/Bottles/"bottle_Name"/dosdevices
then make the symbolic link:
ln -s /dev/"your_device" COM1
in order to know the name of your device, you have to plug and unplug it doing an "ls" command in the "/dev" folder (in the terminal).
the method in detail:
Now you should be able to use your "soins 2000" software with a Vital'Act card reader with the whole functionality.