Yes... disc based DRM is irritating, more so for OSX than linux due
to Apple's scsi driver design (does not allow raw scsi device access).
For that reason, most all disc based DRM mechanisms fail on the Mac.
You cannot 'first glance' the medal rankings here, and come away with
the 'it works' conclusion -- Crossover runs on both OSX & linux, and
the medal ranking may pertain to the linux situation. At a minimum, you
need to click on the 'show medal breakdown' link on any C4 page, to find
out what platform(s) the app has been ranked against. If applicable, you
should also read any forum posting/tips&tricks for apps in C4, to better
sure yourself of the actual app standing wrt OSX or linux.
On that point, some people will rank an app 'gold' no matter how many hoops
they had to jump through to get it running, and this includes the use of both
official and unofficial patches to those ends. Here, because Codeweavers is a
US company (and this site is hosted in the US), the rulings of the DMCA prohibit
any discussion in these forums about unofficial patches...see;
Ergo.. as a general 'rule of thumb' you should avoid disc installation media
if you are using OSX, when that media contains disc based DRM. If you already
have a bunch of PC games discs (CD or DVD), and they have disc based DRM on them
(most do), they are unlikely to work on the Mac. As mentioned in the link above,
if you live in a locale/jurisdiction that allows for the legal circumvention of
DRM softwares under the auspices of 'fair usage', then you may have some luck
following that route, however, we cannot discuss such things in these forums.
Also note on the C4 app pages, the 'Distributor Comparison Table' - as many games
that were/are released on disc media, are also available in a digital download
version (and work because you're not limited by the disc media/DRM mechanism), this
table is included to help inform people which distribution/version of the game works.
Obviously not all apps in C4 have this table filled in (mostly due to the fact nobody
has tested the disc media or such), so if you have a bunch of disc based games, and
felt like updating the table/apps accordingly (to help other Crossover users in the
future), that would be useful =)
Hope this helps explain things...