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Trying to install beamchek; it took forever to create a new bottle, so I manually created a bottle and then pointed to the installation file a "setup.exe" file on cd.
thought it all went well until I tried to launch it and there was a missing component: 'THREED32.OCX' or one of its dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid.
The cd actually has 3 .exe files and then there is a folder "program files" and 2 more folders deep is the program file 'beamchek2009.exe'
I'm sure the other files are necessary for installation, how do I point to the correct one?

John Martin wrote:

Trying to install beamchek; it took forever to create a new bottle,
so I manually created a bottle and then pointed to the installation
file a "setup.exe" file on cd.
thought it all went well until I tried to launch it and there was a
missing component: 'THREED32.OCX' or one of its dependencies not
correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid.
The cd actually has 3 .exe files and then there is a folder "program
files" and 2 more folders deep is the program file
I'm sure the other files are necessary for installation, how do I
point to the correct one?

Alright, it was a fairly quick fix to get this application to install and so I created installer instructions on our website via our CrossTie system.

You can take advantage of this here:

Just click on the big orange button and BeamChek 11's installation instructions will be passed from our website to CrossOver. If you have any trouble, please let us know.

[i]* Do note, I am not a regular user of BeamCheck. Today was my first time installing it so I have not test full functionality of the application within CrossOver. I recommend taking some time to check the pieces of the application you need before making a final decision.

Also, I only used the demo installation of BeamCheck. You mention a CD for installation. There are some pieces that may be different for an install from a CD:

  1. You will need to point CrossOver at the CD instead. Click on the section of CrossOver that says "Will download the installer from..." and instead choose your CD or point CrossOver at the 'setup.exe' file on your CD

  2. Because it is a different installer version CrossOver 'may' state that the install was not successful upon completion. This only means it was not able to detect the pieces that meant a successful install of the demo.

In order to make the CD be detected properly and the install from the CD be detected properly we would need to have a copy of it here at CodeWeavers.[/i]

Thanks for the help, but it still did not work. I followed the link, pressed the big orange button, couldn't really tell that anything had happened and tried to install beamchek again.
Received the same message about the missing file.
Any other suggestions?

Okay, I went back to the link clicked the button for crosstie and it launched an install window....
I wasn't sure about trying the demo version 11 as I own the older version 2009, so I pointed to the installer on the my cd and it worked.
I have tried a couple of beams and seem to get correct results.

Thanks again.

Okay, now a new issue. With all my monkeying around getting beamchek installed. I have multiple installs.
At my launchpad I have 2 BC icons and 1 doesn't work. How do I remove the duplicate icon from launchpad? I went to the bottles manager and tried to remove the extras and it will not remove.
Should I uninstall crossover and start over?

First, let's get rid of the extra icons on your dock.

  1. Make sure you know which one works and which one does not work.
  2. Right click (command + click) on the icon that does not work and choose "remove from dock".
  3. Repeat for any other duplicates that do not work for BeamChek.

Now, let's get rid of the extra "bottles" (installations) of BeamChek.

  1. Click on the CrossOver icon so that the title bar at the very top of your screen says "CrossOver" next to the Apple icon.
  2. Follow the tutorial for bottle removal here.

Note: for this tutorial you will need to figure out which bottle works. I don't know what is actually on your system, I would assume that if you've tried to install BeamCheck at least once without the CrossTie file (big orange button I had you click) that you will have a bottle named "New Bottle" -unless you entered a new name for it-... the CrossTie installation (again, big orange button installation) should have named the "bottle" "BeamChek 11" so if you only have one bottle with that name, the others are the bottles you are looking to get rid of.

If you have more than one bottle with that name (BeamChek 11, BeamChek 11-2), you can use CrossOver's "Run Command" function to see which works.

  1. Click on the CrossOver icon so that the title bar at the very top of your screen says "CrossOver" next to the Apple icon.
  2. Click on "Programs" in the title bar at the top and choose "Run Command"
  3. Select the first "BeamChek 11" bottle and then click "Browse"
  4. Follow the path:
    • CrossOver will start you in "drive_c"
    • From here click "Program Files", "BeamChek Software", "BeamChek" (for me "BeamChek Demo"), "BeamCheck.exe" (for me "BeamCheck2011Demo.exe")
    • Once you have the BeamChek "exe" file selected, click "Open"
  5. You will be returned to the "Run Command" main window, click "Run"

*If BeamChek works, this bottle is a working bottle. If not, get rid of it!

Parting thought...

If it were me and I was not running "BeamChek 11", once I had all of these puzzled out I would use "Manage Bottles" (you'll open this in the tutorial) to rename my bottle to "BeamChek" or "BeamCheck <theversionIamrunning>".

  1. Get the "Manage Bottles" window open again
  2. Highlight the bottle
  3. Click on the bottle a second time to edit the name

Changing the name of the bottle will not change the bottle's functionality. The name of the bottle is purely there for you!

Thank you so much. Interesting, I could not right-click on the icon in the launchpad.
So I went to the next step and after verifying which worked, I followed the instructions on removing the extras. All went well and BeamChek is working just fine!
Thanks so much.


John Martin wrote:

Thank you so much. Interesting, I could not right-click on the icon
in the launchpad.
So I went to the next step and after verifying which worked, I
followed the instructions on removing the extras. All went well and
BeamChek is working just fine!
Thanks so much.


You are most certainly welcome, I am glad to hear it is working well for you!

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