RCIS is tested as working with Crossover 10.1.1 and 10.2 on OS X 10.7 (Lion). Installing it is a little unintuitive, but ultimately fairly easy.
1) Install the latest version of Crossover on your Mac. The following link has a walk through:
2) Make sure you know the location of your RCIS installer file (RCIS.EXE or RCIS1.EXE) and the "CIS.INI" and "CIS.KEY" files that you get from your base. If you're using an RCIS folder, this is usually indicative of an older installer type. Put this "RCIS" folder in your home directory. If you've got just an RCIS.EXE file, this can be left in your downloads or Desktop.
3) Follow the directions at this link to install RCIS, itself, from that "RCIS.EXE" file (even if it's inside the "RCIS" folder, you'll still want to use "choose installer file" to naviate to the .exe within the folder):
Note that the bottle will automatically be named "RCIS.EXE". I recommend re-naming it to "RCIS" without the "EXE".
3-a) You'll probably see a screen like this:
Proceed through the install prompts to completion. When this installation is complete, you'll have a pop-up window with a launcher for "Remote CIS". Close this window - it is worthless.
3-b) An older version of RCIS, which usually comes inside a folder (as opposed to a stand-alone file) will give you an installation screen like this:
In the "source location" field, enter "Y:\RCIS" (provided that the name of your folder is just "RCIS" - if it's "RCIS Jones" or some other specific name, use this).
"Y:\" corresponds with your /home/[username] directory. Thus, when you put "RCIS" in your home folder, you put it directly in "Y:\". Note - the "RCIS" must be in your home directory, not in "Downloads" or "Documents" for this to work.
Press install - you'll probably get some kind of communication error. Cancel the error, and click install again. This time you'll probably get an error about CIS.INI already existing. Cancel this error message, and then cancel out of the installer.
At this point, the installation was most likely successful, even though Crossover makes it appear as though it wasn't.
4) Now, close the Install Software menu if it's still open, and head to Crossover's Configure>Manage Bottles menu. Highlight your "RCIS" bottle and then go to "Advanced>Open C: Drive in Finder". Open up the "drive_c/cisapp" folder, which contains "cis.exe" and "Reinst.exe".
Leaving this window open, open up a new finder window. Find the "CIS.INI" and "CIS.KEY" files that you've downloaded from your base, and copy them over to the first window, into the "drive_c/cisapp" folder so that these two files are in the same folder as "cis.exe".
Close the open finder windows, and close Manage Bottles.
5) Head to Crossover's Programs>Run Command menu. With your "RCIS" bottle selected, click on "Browse". Browse to "drive_c/cisapp/Cis.exe". Click "open", and then click "save command to programs menu", as described at this link:
This will create a "Cis" launcher. Close the pop-up window that appears, close Run Command, and then head to Crossover's Programs menu. You'll see "Cis" and "Remote Cis". Clicking on "Cis" will launch RCIS successfully. "Remote Cis" will not work.
Qantas employees who are having trouble with this process and are current Crossover license holders should seek help by filing a support ticket, here:
Please reference this forum thread when requesting help, and please be as specific as possible about what you've tried to do, and in what manner it has failed.