hello all,
Great product, I'm testing it now to enable using our oooooools applications in LOTUS APPROACH, the easy database application builder for zero-code guys, one of the Lotus SmartSuite office suite. Never found a platform that allowed to build so fast an on apps relational database. But it's time has come, impacted by low support from Lotus, practically no evolution since 2000. We kept our applications (why change when it works fine) by having it run on Windows XP virtual machines on VMware, then MS Hyper-View...
Our main management application works apparently OK on Codeweaver, excepted some features used for development are not there, but I can live with this.
But when sharing with other users, I need to adapt a few registry keys, the ones related to internatonalization: I need all users to have the same profile, else my application will not allow sharing. More, it seems that running in CodeWeavers sort of starts the app with default profile, that is US american related language and region code, meaning I would need all my users to have US keyboards, etc. Not good.
So I did the documented access to the regedit program, and changed those "regional" language keys to reflect my need.
Issue: my modifications are not kept.
They might change when I quit regedit, or after I relaunch my application, or... It also seems to be erratic, and I could not find the pattern..
The keys I'm concerned are in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\International
Thanks for help on how can my modifications be permanent.
I would like to validate how to solve this, before I can purchase COdeWeavers for our users (we're on mac mostly).