I just installed CrossOver 11.2 on my Lion 10.7.4 box.
My locale is Simplified Chiniese (zh_CN).
I setup 'Internet Exploer 7' by the CrossOver wizard.
I restart CrossOver
I check the 'bottle management' ("容器管理") menu to check my new bottle.
CrossOver do scan the bottle for hours (more than 1 day), it never finished.
So I can not do anything with any of my bottle.
This issue has been forwarded to the Official CodeWeavers Ticket System. If you have observed this issue and would like to report it as well, please open a support ticket or send an email to info@codeweavers.com with a description of what you are seeing and a link to this post.
We are having the same issue. Scanning never stops. Quitting the bottle does no good; it simply starts scanning again. The scanning never stops. I tried following the FAQ suggestion to set the antivirus line in the conf file to "never", but that did not help either. I'll submit a ticket.
The problem appears to be corrupted preferences files. Please follow the directions at this page (steps 2 and 4, specifically) to delete all "com.codeweavers..." files in your /Library/Preferences/ directory (make sure you hit your user-specific Library folder and also the Macintosh HD-level Library folder):
Please Note: This Forum is for non-application specific questions relating to installation/configuration of CrossOver. All application-specific posts to this Forum will be moved to their appropriate Compatibility Center Forum.
CrossOver Forums: the place to discuss running Windows applications on Mac and Linux
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