Hi I have Crossover Games, PyLotro and LOTRO on an old MacBook Pro
all working well. I bought a new MacBook Pro and am trying to get
everything transferred over without needing to reinstall LOTRO.
What is the best process for doing this? I tried just moving it
over with a flash drive and putting in the same place but the
bottles didn't transfer over with Crossover Games.
1- You should really ask this over at the LOTRO forum...
Note, for some reason, this forum is buggering the above url... the "1" belongs following the =
2- Transferring via flash drive should have worked with no problems (assuming you had about a 25 gig Flash drive!
A single bottle containing LOTRO is roughly 24 gig ins size.
3- Depending upon a number of hardware issues, you may discover you have problems on your new MacBook Pro. Graphics "cards" are a big issue, as is the version of the Operating System you must run to support that hardware. (One presumes you will be upgrading from Snow Leopard to Lion at a bare minimum.)
4- I would recommend upgrading from CrossOver Games to Crossover 11.0.3 (current version) before your move. That way you will know that any problems you encounter are based on the hardware change, and not on other issues.
5-- For Both CrossOver Games and CrossOver, the actual bottles are stored in "<you>/Library/Application Support/CrossOver Games" to start, and then in ... "CrossOver". The main problem you will encounter is that Library is now a "hidden" directory under OSX. Easy enough to deal with, but you need to be aware of it.
Other than the size of the files, the move should not be a big deal.
See the Tips & Tricks "To move LOTRO from one bottle to another" for related information.