Running free trial version of crossover. I always used wine to run the game voyage century online. but after update of my OS X to 10.7.5 it stopped working. I get the update screen of the game but when i click on play it crashes. Now i dont mind buying crossover but it didnt work in the trial. So can someone help me? is there a solution to get it working?
game can be downloaded in
below the error i get
Unhandled exception: unimplemented function msvcp80.dll.??0?$basic_ifstream@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@QAE@PBDHH@Z called in 32-bit code (0x7b82d872).
Register dump:
CS:001b SS:0023 DS:0023 ES:0023 FS:1007 GS:000f
EIP:7b82d872 ESP:0033f724 EBP:0033f798 EFLAGS:00000246( - -- I Z- -P- )
EAX:7b819335 EBX:7b82d7fe ECX:00000000 EDX:00000000
ESI:00000002 EDI:004084a4
Stack dump:
0x0033f724: 0033f7bc 00000008 00000000 80000100
0x0033f734: 00000001 00000000 7b82d872 00000002
0x0033f744: 42661035 4266439b 00000000 00000000
0x0033f754: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
0x0033f764: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
0x0033f774: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
0200: sel=1007 base=7ffc0000 limit=00000fff 32-bit rw-
=>0 0x7b82d872 in kernel32 (+0x1d872) (0x0033f798)
1 0x42661030 in <wine-loader> (+0x4266102f) (0x0033f7cc)
2 0x426514c5 in <wine-loader> (+0x426514c4) (0x0033feb0)
3 0x7b84f20c in kernel32 (+0x3f20b) (0x0033fec8)
4 0x7b853317 in kernel32 (+0x43316) (0x0033ff08)
5 0x7bc666bc in <wine-loader> (+0x7bc666bb) (0x0033ff28)
6 0x7bc6872a in <wine-loader> (+0x7bc68729) (0x0033ffa8)
7 0x7bc66682 in <wine-loader> (+0x7bc66681) (0x0033ffc8)
8 0x7bc3fa2e in <wine-loader> (+0x7bc3fa2d) (0x0033ffe8)
0x7b82d872: subl $4,%esp
Module Address Debug info Name (27 modules)
ELF 0-82001000 Stabs <wine-loader>
PE 400000- 413000 Deferred core
PE 10000000-10093000 Deferred core
PE 401c0000-401c4000 Deferred version
PE 401e0000-401e4000 Deferred msvcr80
PE 40490000-40494000 Deferred advapi32
PE 404f0000-404f4000 Deferred psapi
PE 40710000-40716000 Deferred gdi32
PE 407d0000-407d4000 Deferred msvcr90
PE 42510000-4254a000 Deferred user32
PE 42640000-42643000 Deferred msvcp80
PE 426e0000-426e3000 Deferred msvcp90
PE 427c0000-427c8000 Deferred winspool
PE 43fc0000-43fc4000 Deferred imm32
PE 44110000-44114000 Deferred msvcrt
PE 44190000-441be000 Deferred comctl32
PE 44290000-44301000 Deferred winmm
PE 44330000-443c3000 Deferred comdlg32
PE 44410000-44569000 Deferred shell32
PE 44630000-44638000 Deferred shlwapi
PE 44690000-44694000 Deferred dbghelp
PE 44770000-44774000 Deferred winex11
PE 44a20000-44a28000 Deferred ole32
PE 44b40000-44b44000 Deferred rpcrt4
PE 44bb0000-44bb7000 Deferred wineps
PE 7b810000-7b99b000 Deferred kernel32
PE 7bc10000-7bc14000 Deferred ntdll
process tid prio (all id:s are in hex)
0000000c services.exe
00000033 0
0000001c 0
00000017 0
00000016 0
00000015 0
00000013 0
0000000e 0
0000000d 0
00000010 winedevice.exe
0000001f 0
00000018 0
00000012 0
00000011 0
00000019 plugplay.exe
0000001e 0
0000001b 0
0000001a 0
00000022 explorer.exe
00000023 0
0000003d (D) C:\Program Files\Voyage Century Online\voyage\Core.exe
0000003f 0
0000003e 0 <==
System information:
Wine build: wine-1.4.1-6911-g2d3089c
Platform: i386
Host system: Darwin
Host version: 11.4.2