If a dll file(s) is/are missing, we can use C4P for that (provided there's
a redistributable package around containing the required dll), and if there
are any registry tweaks to be done, C4P can handle that too. We can currently
target the Steam bottle, but we cannot properly identify a steamapp that's
installed into a Steam bottle. That may or maynot be a problem depending on
the situation, but for instance, I've a number of HL/HL2/Source mods that
install via C4P (into the Steam bottle), but I've no way of determining if
the parent app (HL/HL2/Source game) is actually present...(for sure someone
is going to try installing one of these mods, and have it not work, because
they don't own/have the required game installed ;)...
...not all dll files can be handled by C4P - ShadowGrounds is such an example.
At present, the only 'legitimate' way to get the dll files required, is via
installing wmp9/10 -- CXG can't do that, because wmp9/10 is not part of the
Crossover Games inbuilt c4p profiling, nor is the C4 hoisted C4P profile coded
to work with CXG ; it's only suitable for CXO...(I'm not sure where this noodle
will end up, but that's where it is now)...
There's lot of 'free' Steam hoisted content that's not automatically displayed
in the Steam UI -- you have to use the search function in the Steam GUI to find
these titles and click on the install button - the Steam client does the rest.
This has nothing to do with C4P. There are -many- titles, free or not, that are
available via other distributors besides Steam - you basically make a choice ; do
I buy the Steam version or not? If you buy some other version, that gets installed
into it's own bottle typically if C4P is used, however the user can change that
behavior during the C4P install process.
I do not recommend doing this, but as an example only, you could tell the
TrackMania C4P to install into the Steam bottle instead of it's own bottle...
but that is succinctly what will happen :: it will be installed into the Steam
bottle, not into Steam itself -- if you do something like this (with any app
or game), it does provide the facility for you to add that app/game to your
Steam library list, but it's only a link - the app/game exists exparty to Steam
client operations. I sometimes do this with 'xpadder' to provide gamepad input
to Steam game that needs it...it merely lets me launch xpadder from a Steam GUI
link rather than system menu/desktop link...(xpadder -needs- to be in the same
bottle as Steam to even work 8)...
It's usually 'ok' to include tools like xpadder in the Steam bottle, but it's
probably a 'bad' idea to put other stand-alone games into the Steam bottle --
the caveat would be any app/game for which Valve has provided the ability for
the Steam system to accommodate an 'external' installation to become integrated
with Steam client operations..ie; I don't know if these cases still exist, but
once upon a time there were disc based games that could be installed as system
stand-alones and be registered via Steam as well, but this was some time ago...
however, this has nothing to do with C4P either, it's mostly Steam doing all
the dancing here...
FWIW, there is a newly created C4P forum to discuss all things so related, so
if you're interested in this sort of thing or creating your own C4P profiles,
you should apply to become an advocate so you can access all the resources that
are available -- there is also online documentation as well...see;