So this is a very strange problem and I'm not quite sure how to deal with it.
I have gotten used to playing Skyrim through bootcamp with my Magic mouse, which has one button. It can right click, but it can't do simultaneous right+left click, so I remapped my left hand spell to Command (or, in crossver, it's interpreted as "LAlt") and my right hand spell to the mouse button. I have Ctrl as the crouch button and A as the strafe left button. The problem is that when I attempt to strafe left while casting a spell, thus hitting Cmd+A simultaneously, the program interprets the Cmd+A (or, in crossover, LAlt+A) as the same as Ctrl, and I end up crouching instead of strafing while casting a spell. This happens even if I remap ctrl to another function, or if I leave ctrl unmapped entirely.
Further, when I press cmd+A and it makes me crouch, it treats it as if I'm holding cmd even though I've let go, so my hand sits there holding the spell until I press cmd again and release the key, then the program realizes I'm not hitting cmd anymore and releases the spell.
None of this interferes with being able to cmd-tab out of the application. Everything else seems to work swimmingly except for this cmd+a thing. I am on the most current version of Skyrim and 13.0 of Crossover.
I could just change my key mappings, but I'm used to the ones I have and they work well for me. I can't just remap my left hand spell to the left option key, since Crossover seems not to recognize that key. I feel like at some point I downloaded a key remapping program on bootcamp and remapped something to something else to deal with a problem somewhat like this (or maybe just to make windows recognize command as alt or something), but that wouldn't affect the wine instance. Are there some sort of registry settings I could change in wine to make this work? Or install some sort of key remapping program? I just have no idea why LAlt+A would be interpreted as ctrl, it's baffling to me.