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Dark Age of Camelot (DAoC) and Crossover 13

Well, I was hoping that 13 would solve my problems.. Dark Age had been running fine under 12.2.2.. Then 12.5 was released and broke it.. My temp fix was to downgrade to 12.2.2 but I found out when I upgraded to a new Macbook Pro Retina that 12.2.2 does not work under Mavericks.

I'm stuck.. at this point I'm not sure what to do other than go with a VM or bootcamp.. Runs fine in both.. At this point I'm going to have to see if anyone has any ideas. If none, then I'm going to have to chuck Crossover sadly.. These past few upgrades have been disappointing. :(

I'm attaching my errors ... if anyone has any ideas, please let me know. I've a ticket in too, but it's been silent on that front.. I'm afraid that since it's not an officially supported app it won't get much in the way of support.

This error happens after I login to the game.. I get through the login itself.. funny thing is.. I think if we got past the login, the game would probably work.. lol


Unhandled exception: page fault on read access to 0x0b9ff9b4 in 32-bit code (0x00423544).
Register dump:
 CS:001b SS:0023 DS:0023 ES:0023 FS:1007 GS:000f
 EIP:00423544 ESP:0032b814 EBP:00000186 EFLAGS:00010202(  R- --  I   - - - )
 EAX:00808080 EBX:0054ad28 ECX:0000ffcf EDX:0032b6fb
 ESI:0b9ff9b4 EDI:00000040
Stack dump:
0x0032b814:  438732b0 43838440 000700c0 43837130
0x0032b824:  0b9ff9b4 0031b912 00ff0020 000009d8
0x0032b834:  00000000 00000000 00000276 00000186
0x0032b844:  00000028 00000276 fffffe7a 00200001
0x0032b854:  00000000 000eff10 00000000 00000000
0x0032b864:  00000000 00000000 00000000 0041c218
0200: sel=1007 base=7ffc0000 limit=00000fff 32-bit rw-
=>0 0x00423544 in login (+0x23544) (0x00000186)
0x00423544: movl    0x0(%esi),%ecx
Module    Address            Debug info    Name (27 modules)
ELF           0-82001000    Stabs           <wine-loader>
PE      400000-  474000    Deferred        login
PE    42010000-42014000    Deferred        uxtheme
PE    420a0000-420a4000    Deferred        advapi32
PE    42610000-4263f000    Deferred        comctl32
PE    42700000-42707000    Deferred        gdi32
PE    43810000-4384b000    Deferred        user32
PE    43940000-43944000    Deferred        version
PE    43960000-439d6000    Deferred        winmm
PE    43a10000-43a14000    Deferred        wsock32
PE    43a30000-43a34000    Deferred        ws2_32
PE    43a60000-43a64000    Deferred        iphlpapi
PE    43a80000-43a83000    Deferred        msimg32
PE    43a90000-43a98000    Deferred        shlwapi
PE    43b00000-43c5d000    Deferred        shell32
PE    43d80000-43d84000    Deferred        winex11
PE    43f00000-43f08000    Deferred        ole32
PE    44010000-44014000    Deferred        rpcrt4
PE    44110000-44114000    Deferred        imm32
PE    44250000-44254000    Deferred        mmdevapi
PE    44270000-44278000    Deferred        oleaut32
PE    44380000-44383000    Deferred        winecoreaudio
PE    44430000-44434000    Deferred        riched32
PE    44e80000-44e83000    Deferred        usp10
PE    7ac10000-7ac14000    Deferred        riched20
PE    7b810000-7b9ad000    Deferred        kernel32
PE    7bc10000-7bc14000    Deferred        ntdll
process  tid      prio (all id:s are in hex)
00000008 winewrapper.exe
    00000009    0
0000000c winewrapper.exe
    0000000d    0
0000000e services.exe
    00000026    0
    00000025    0
    0000001e    0
    00000014    0
    00000010    0
    0000000f    0
00000012 mscorsvw.exe
    0000001b    0
    0000001a    0
    00000017    0
    00000013    0
0000001c winedevice.exe
    00000024    0
    00000021    0
    00000020    0
    0000001d    0
00000022 plugplay.exe
    00000028    0
    00000027    0
    00000023    0
00000029 sendwndcmd.exe
    0000002a    0
0000002b explorer.exe
    0000002f    0
    0000002c    0
0000002d explorer.exe
    00000032    0
    0000002e    0
00000039 rpcss.exe
    00000058    0
    0000003f    0
    0000003e    0
    0000003d    0
    0000003b    0
    0000003a    0
00000044 (D) C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\Dark Age of Camelot\login.dll
    00000030    0
    00000031   15
    0000000b    0
    00000045    0 <==
System information:
    Wine build: wine-1.7.4-7207-ge934c32
    Platform: i386
    Host system: Darwin
    Host version: 13.0.2

I also have an issue with an application that was working perfectly under previous versions of OSX and Crossover is no longer working acceptably under Mavericks and v13.

The message I received in response to my support request informed me the application is not supported and left me with the impression "you're on your own" - totally ignoring the fact that it was working before the changes.

I have to say this has been my first and probably last experience of Codeweavers support - not impressed.

The application works fine under Windows XP - so I'm now exploring Bootcamp and Parallels.

From a Codeweavers point of view, I may be just a single customer - so not a great loss of revenue!

From my point of view, the application helps me run a network marketing business, colleagues have confirmed me that it runs fine under Mavericks & Parallels - so I know I have a answer - but guess what I will be recommending to other distributors?

So maybe not just the loss of one customer and his revenue - bigger and better organisations than Codeweavers have fallen because they didn't treat their customers with the respect they deserve.

Around 12.5, Codeweavers implemented a new system meant for better performance on Mac. Unfortunatly, it broke some games (mostly games) but there is a way to get out of it. Go into the advanced tab of the bottle manager, and check "Use legacy X Window System". That might "fix" your game.

I'm a Linux user, so this might just be the full extent of the help I can provide. In any case, if my "trick" doesn't work, I'm willing to look further.

To Allan, please read carefully when purchasing a product. On this very site, if you click Crossover -> details -> Truth in Advertising, you will see that Codeweavers never made any claim, or more importantly, no promise of getting all of your stuff running. They also clearly, explicitly state that their support is limited, and that they only truly support their "supported applications". There also no promise that thing can't break in the future. Their refusal to help you further is probably based on availability of resources (time of employees, availability of your software for testing, etc). They can't help the personnal frustration you felt, but they had to make a choice. Having dealt with Codeweavers staff for years, I can firmly say that there is no question of "disrespect" but what you perceive in your furstration.

Further, are you aware that winXP will be at it's end of life in April 2014? Although Parrallels is probably safe if you know what you're doing, I highly recommend you do not use it on bootcamp. Who knows what craptastic infection you will get if you let that antique touch your hardware. It could become an infection vector which could affect you OSX intall too.

I was hoping to look into DAoC during the CrossOver 13 beta, but due to lots of bugs with the new performance enhanced D3D code I did not get around to it. Usually we release X.1 release a few months after a major release, and DAoC is on my todo list for this one. Please understand that I cannot promise that it'll work. I don't know why the game is broken, so I don't know how much effort will be needed to fix it. The bottom line is that we didn't forget about DAoC. It is on our radar, but there are many, many applications that our users want and need fixing :-\ .

And …. the two most current OSX release no longer support Windows XP under boot camp. Windows 7 and 8 only. I run both Codeweavers and Boot Camp. Codeweavers to support two programs I ran often (not supported programs but they run). And Boot Camp for a couple of intense Windows only programs that don't work under Codeweavers.

I have not Updated to Mavericks yet. I like to wait a while before a OS update so Apple or Microsoft, etc. can chase early release bugs.

My "frustration" if that is what it is, is due to the "off-hand" way that I have been treated.

The app that I run is almost as basic as it is possible to get nowadays - OK the designer won't thank me for saying that - but it basically just loads a couple of data files and lists information and has a reporting module for aggregating lists etc. It doesn't use any fancy graphics, it doesn't interact on-line except downloading a datafile from a set place, in fact, it doesn't try to do anything complicated at all.

So, if a very basic application that worked absolutely perfectly under the previous OSX/crossover combination stops running, what do I do?

The latest version of crossover has not resolved the issue and the supplier is not interested, what do I do?

I have a colleague telling me that the app works perfectly under Mavericks/parallels/XP, what do I do?

Do I wait with fingers crossed that code weavers will suddenly become interested?

Do I wait, hoping that the issue will be magically sorted in the next update?

Do I keep paying for a product/service that no longer works but just might at some undetermined time in the future?

Or do I decide my time is more valuable - buy parallels, buy a windows licence and just get on with life?

Well, as someone who generally dislikes forums, writing this response has helped make my decision.

Yeah, if Crossover doesn't do it for you, by all means, don't renew.

If your app is that simple, you could consider VirtualBox, which is free, works under OSX, and should run office software without much trouble. I use it, and it does what I need for anything but games. Parrallels might be overkill for what you want to do.

Stefan Dösinger wrote:

I was hoping to look into DAoC during the CrossOver 13 beta, but due
to lots of bugs with the new performance enhanced D3D code I did not
get around to it. Usually we release X.1 release a few months after
a major release, and DAoC is on my todo list for this one. Please
understand that I cannot promise that it'll work. I don't know why
the game is broken, so I don't know how much effort will be needed
to fix it. The bottom line is that we didn't forget about DAoC. It
is on our radar, but there are many, many applications that our
users want and need fixing :-\ .

Thanks! I'll keep checking back.. I understand major rewrites always have their initial push of issues. Hopefully things smooth out for you guys. Let me know if you need one of my bottles for testing.. anything you need! :D Ginny-pig me!

Hopefully one of the other fixes you need to focus on is similar to DAoC's issue.. Wistful thinking.. I know..

Alan wrote:

My "frustration" if that is what it is, is due to the "off-hand" way
that I have been treated.

The app that I run is almost as basic as it is possible to get
nowadays - OK the designer won't thank me for saying that - but it
basically just loads a couple of data files and lists information
and has a reporting module for aggregating lists etc. It doesn't use
any fancy graphics, it doesn't interact on-line except downloading a
datafile from a set place, in fact, it doesn't try to do anything
complicated at all.

So, if a very basic application that worked absolutely perfectly
under the previous OSX/crossover combination stops running, what do
I do?

The latest version of crossover has not resolved the issue and the
supplier is not interested, what do I do?

I have a colleague telling me that the app works perfectly under
Mavericks/parallels/XP, what do I do?

Do I wait with fingers crossed that code weavers will suddenly
become interested?

Do I wait, hoping that the issue will be magically sorted in the
next update?

Do I keep paying for a product/service that no longer works but just
might at some undetermined time in the future?

Or do I decide my time is more valuable - buy parallels, buy a
windows licence and just get on with life?

Well, as someone who generally dislikes forums, writing this
response has helped make my decision.

We are actually looking at your ticket. Vince is composing a response right now and we have a request out to GeniTree for a copy of the software.

I don't believe we've communicated in an "off-hand" way.

Reading over the ticket and your response here, there are several things that could be at play.

CrossOver 12.5 turned what we term the "Mac Driver" on by default for all applications. If an application doesn't work well with this (read: anyone using CrossOver 12.2 on a Mac to run their application), a person can simply turn it off (but should definitely write to us as someday there will be no legacy driver). To do so:

  1. Launch CrossOver
  2. Choose the "Configure" drop down menu and select "Manage Bottles"
  3. Choose the bottle GeniTree is isntalled in
  4. Choose the "Advanced" tab and check "Use legacy X Window System"
  5. Reboot the bottle when prompted.

Now try launching GeniTree. If it still doesn't launch, it may be the Performance Enhanced Graphics we just implemented. Go to the same "Advanced" tab mentioned above and check the "Disable" option. If that still doesn't work... the logs Vince will request will be very helpful for us to assist you.

My apologies that we didn't get back to you sooner, we were short staffed at the end of last week and the beginning of this week has been spent working through the backlog.

Please Note: This Forum is for non-application specific questions relating to installation/configuration of CrossOver. All application-specific posts to this Forum will be moved to their appropriate Compatibility Center Forum.

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