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Mavericks and 12.2.2?

Ok, I'm in a pickle.. My old system was running Mountain Lion, and ever since 12.5+ my game stopped working (DAoC).. crashes out.. So I downgraded to 12.2.2 and everything was peachy.

I've just upgraded to the new rMBP, which comes with Mavericks.. crap.. cuz 12.2.2 doesn't run, it crashes right out upon startup.. Of course, 12.5 runs as does 12.51.. but my game won't run..

crap.. Any way to get 12.2.2 running? any ideas? I get the impression my game will never run in 12.5+ so I'm stuck.. short of returning my new system and getting and old one or getting a windows computer/giving up on Crossover... <pulls hair>

I don't know what DaOC is - can you expand the acronym? Maybe it will run in our upcoming CrossOver 13. What gives you the impression it will never work again?

Dark Age Of Camelot?

As part of a local Mac support group, I'd advise people to steer clear of Mavericks for the moment. We are being bombarded with problem reports starting from "simple" printing problems to quite complex problems, many of them simple "did not read the changes before installing" type of problems.

I am in the same boat. After upgrading to 12.5 and 12.5.1, my bottles won't load and none of my games work. I used AppCleaner to remove everything and started from scratch using 12.5.1 again. A fresh install of Crossover 12.5.1 would not even let me create a bottle, it just showed the spinning wheel for about an hour before I force quit Crossover. I then removed everything again and installed 12.2.2. Created a new bottle, loaded my games again and everything works fine. Crossover 12.2.2 is works very well, so I will need to stay with 12.2.2 and Mountain Lion for now. I doubt I will be renewing Crossover because the software is worthless to me if it doesn't work, especially when I eventually upgrade to Mavericks.

I'll have a look at Dark Age of Camelot. Getting the game to run in 13 is a better solution than making 12.x run in Mavericks…

Steven Forwood wrote:

I am in the same boat. After upgrading to 12.5 and 12.5.1, my
bottles won't load and none of my games work. I used AppCleaner to
remove everything and started from scratch using 12.5.1 again. A
fresh install of Crossover 12.5.1 would not even let me create a
bottle, it just showed the spinning wheel for about an hour before I
force quit Crossover.

CrossOver 12.5 was susceptible to interference from a class of things called 'Input Managers' - 1Passwd is a common one which may cause CrossOver to behave as you are describing. If you have that on your machine, you can try disabling it for CrossOver only with:

defaults write com.codeweavers.CrossOver.wineloader NSUseCocoaInputServers NO

Or you could try disabling or uninstalling 1Passwd system-wide if you don't want it anymore (these are sometimes old apps). If you don't have an easy way to uninstall it but want to disable it system-wide, you can probably just drag the 1PasswdM directory out of:


and reboot (stash the 1PasswdM directory elsewhere if you want to).

The defaults write command above is probably the most surgical way to do disable the thing. CrossOver 13 (which is in beta right now) and higher will ship with this done by default.

Hope this helps for you.

Ah yes :)

You can just do a find for 1passwd (make certain to search inside the libraries folders, /Library and ~Library, too) and remove the lot. The newer versions are all called 1Password and anything 1passwd is old.

Thanks for the information. I removed the 1Password Input Manager, tried 12.5.1 again. This time it worked so thanks for the suggestions about Input Managers. All the games work well except one which runs very slow for some reason. At least it is working now so thank for the suggestions.

Steven Forwood wrote:

All the games work well except one which runs very slow for some

CrossOver 13 is due out next month. It may help with that.

Yes to first Question, Dark Age of Camelot, which is an older MMO. It's an olde, but goodie, that my father loves to play so I really need to have it functional so I can game with him. :)

I'll try the input line.. Maybe I'll get lucky.. I run the latest version of 1Password v4.

As for v13.. REALLY hope what you're saying is true! If so, you guys are zoo awesome.. Maybe DAoC will work under the Linux version as well now? So far, I've only had luck getting it run on the Mac version of Crossover. Until now, that is..

I'd send in my Bottle for testing or test the beta version.. either way.. Thanks for responses!

Eveline wrote:

Dark Age Of Camelot?

As part of a local Mac support group, I'd advise people to steer
clear of Mavericks for the moment. We are being bombarded with
problem reports starting from "simple" printing problems to quite
complex problems, many of them simple "did not read the changes
before installing" type of problems.

Thanks for heads up.. Unfortunately, in my case, I've a brand new 15" Retina MBP, which comes with Mavericks. :) so0000, guess I wait and hold breath for a fix with Crossover v13. ;)

You might also try turning off the Mac Driver for DAoC. Do that from the Bottle Manager's 'Advanced' tab from within CrossOver, for the bottle where DAoC is installed.

Josh DuBois wrote:

You might also try turning off the Mac Driver for DAoC. Do that
from the Bottle Manager's 'Advanced' tab from within CrossOver, for
the bottle where DAoC is installed.

Thanks Josh, Mac Driver disabled, still no joy though.

I have a ticket submitted and sent in the Diag info they requested.. hoping they have a few ideas. I was told WINES graphics system was going to change and this might resolve the issue overall. This was some time ago though; when I was trying to get it to work under Linux version of crossover. Then I found I could run it under my Mac version of Crossover and forgot about it. lol

I guess it has to do with some legacy directx calls DAoC makes they didn't want to change as patching for just one game wasn't in the cards.. I understand.. Just starting to wonder if another alternative might be needed.

i have for Testing 13.01 Beta on my 10.9 but the App wont Start ! just a lttle jump you see on the dock thtas all! No start no Icon Nothing !

Whats wrong ?

thanks Greetings from Switzerland


jarre wrote:

i have for Testing 13.01 Beta on my 10.9 but the App wont Start !
just a lttle jump you see on the dock thtas all! No start no Icon
Nothing !

Whats wrong ?

12.2.2 was released quite some time before Mavericks and is not compatible with Mavericks. Changes which Apple made to the OS between Mountain Lion and Mavericks cause 12.2.2 not to run on Mavericks. You will need to upgrade to 12.5 or later.

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