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Unhandled exception?

I'm a new Crossover user (Mac OS 10.6.8) trying to use a multi-step custom scenery generator (TerraGear) to create new scenery for FlightGear flight simulator. I've had some success so far, but every time I try to run one particular .exe file (genapts850.exe), the file crashes because of an unhandled exception. Any suggestions on what to try?

Unhandled exception: page fault on read access to 0x00000004 in 32-bit code (0x0045591a).
Register dump:
 CS:0017 SS:001f DS:001f ES:001f FS:101f GS:0037
 EIP:0045591a ESP:02b576b4 EBP:02b576c0 EFLAGS:00010216(  R- --  I   -A-P- )
 EAX:00000000 EBX:00000000 ECX:01c5f4c0 EDX:00000000
 ESI:01c5f4c0 EDI:045a2ba8
Stack dump:
0x02b576b4:  045a2ba8 00000000 02b57724 02b57724
0x02b576c4:  00457412 02b576f8 e9c74322 02b5776c
0x02b576d4:  00502628 40717dd0 40717d3c 40717d30
0x02b576e4:  00002800 005025e0 ffffff01 00000000
0x02b576f4:  7b867190 045a27a0 045a2ba8 005025e0
0x02b57704:  02b5771c 00000038 0000003f 00502628
0203: sel=101f base=7ff90000 limit=00000fff 32-bit rw-
=>0 0x0045591a in genapts850 (+0x5591a) (0x02b576c0)
  1 0x00457412 in genapts850 (+0x57411) (0x02b57724)
  2 0x0045896a in genapts850 (+0x58969) (0x02b57760)
  3 0x00458aa6 in genapts850 (+0x58aa5) (0x02b57788)
  4 0x0045878d in genapts850 (+0x5878c) (0x02b5781c)
  5 0x00458b06 in genapts850 (+0x58b05) (0x02b57838)
  6 0x00458bd7 in genapts850 (+0x58bd6) (0x02b578d4)
  7 0x00458d3e in genapts850 (+0x58d3d) (0x02b57954)
  8 0x00459076 in genapts850 (+0x59075) (0x02b579a8)
  9 0x0045939d in genapts850 (+0x5939c) (0x02b57c34)
  10 0x00459889 in genapts850 (+0x59888) (0x02b57d9c)
  11 0x00459d20 in genapts850 (+0x59d1f) (0x02b5801c)
  12 0x00415c02 in genapts850 (+0x15c01) (0x02b5ebc8)
  13 0x0044087e in genapts850 (+0x4087d) (0x02b5f680)
  14 0x004ac19d in genapts850 (+0xac19c) (0x02b5f688)
  15 0x7bc6746c call_thread_func_wrapper+0xb() in ntdll (0x02b5f698)
  16 0x7bc6851a call_thread_func+0x89() in ntdll (0x02b5f718)
  17 0x7bc67432 call_thread_entry_point+0x11() in ntdll (0x02b5f738)
  18 0x7bc6f747 NtAlertResumeThread+0x176() in ntdll (0x02b5ff88)
  19 0x99063259 _pthread_start+0x158() in libsystem.b.dylib (0x02b5ffc8)
  20 0x990630de thread_start+0x21() in libsystem.b.dylib (0x02b5ffec)
0x0045591a: movl    0x4(%eax),%edi
Module    Address            Debug info    Name (139 modules)
ELF           0-82001000    Stabs           <wine-loader>
PE      240000-  26e000    Deferred        cgal-vc100-mt-4.1
PE      400000-  516000    Deferred        genapts850
PE    10000000-10726000    Deferred        gdal110dev
PE    40001000-401b4000    Deferred        libwine.1.dylib
ELF    40511000-40536000    Deferred        odbc32<elf>
  \-PE    40520000-40534000    \               odbc32
ELF    40536000-40599000    Deferred        advapi32<elf>
  \-PE    40540000-40591000    \               advapi32
ELF    40599000-405b3000    Deferred        version<elf>
  \-PE    405a0000-405b2000    \               version
ELF    405b3000-405e5000    Deferred        ws2_32<elf>
  \-PE    405c0000-405e2000    \               ws2_32
ELF    40700000-40731000    Deferred        msvcr100<elf>
  \-PE    40710000-40730000    \               msvcr100
ELF    40731000-407c2000    Deferred        msvcrt<elf>
  \-PE    40740000-407b3000    \               msvcrt
ELF    41100000-4123b000    Deferred        user32<elf>
  \-PE    41110000-41210000    \               user32
ELF    4123b000-41342000    Deferred        gdi32<elf>
  \-PE    41240000-412ec000    \               gdi32
ELF    41342000-413ed000    Deferred        msvcp100<elf>
  \-PE    41350000-413cc000    \               msvcp100
ELF    413ed000-414a1000    Deferred        winmm<elf>
  \-PE    413f0000-4149d000    \               winmm
ELF    414a1000-415b0000    Deferred        ole32<elf>
  \-PE    414b0000-415a2000    \               ole32
ELF    415b0000-41622000    Deferred        rpcrt4<elf>
  \-PE    415c0000-4161c000    \               rpcrt4
ELF    41622000-41730000    Deferred        oleaut32<elf>
  \-PE    41630000-41706000    \               oleaut32
ELF    41730000-4179f000    Deferred
ELF    42000000-42074000    Deferred        winemac<elf>
  \-PE    42010000-42069000    \               winemac
PE    6acc0000-6ad27000    Deferred        libgmp-10
PE    6f540000-6f59e000    Deferred        libmpfr-4
ELF    7b800000-7b8fa000    Deferred        kernel32<elf>
  \-PE    7b810000-7b8eb000    \               kernel32
ELF    7bc00000-7bcbb000    Stabs           ntdll<elf>
  \-PE    7bc10000-7bc9b000    \               ntdll
PE    90185000-9018b000    Deferred        libradiance.dylib
PE    901aa000-90256000    Deferred        coreaudio
PE    90225000-9025b000    Deferred        corevideo
PE    90286000-902d7000    Deferred        libglu.dylib
PE    90286000-902d7000    Deferred        libglu.dylib
PE    902ca000-902e7000    Deferred        libbsm.0.dylib
PE    903ab000-9049e000    Deferred        colorsync
PE    903ab000-9049e000    Deferred        colorsync
PE    90469000-90494000    Deferred        libjpeg.dylib
PE    9050d000-905a6000    Deferred        coretext
PE    90c41000-90c5f000    Deferred        langanalysis
PE    90c5e000-90d17000    Deferred        securityfoundation
PE    90ee9000-90f34000    Deferred        ae
PE    90f1d000-90f49000    Deferred        directoryservice
PE    915e2000-9160c000    Deferred        libresolv.9.dylib
PE    915e2000-9160c000    Deferred        libresolv.9.dylib
PE    92516000-92540000    Deferred        opencl
PE    92538000-92541000    Deferred        libgfxshared.dylib
PE    92538000-92541000    Deferred        libgfxshared.dylib
PE    9253d000-925c3000    Deferred        htmlrendering
PE    925a2000-92a06000    Deferred        hitoolbox
PE    92969000-929e7000    Deferred        hiservices
PE    92a14000-92a5f000    Deferred        libvdsp.dylib
PE    92a14000-92a5f000    Deferred        libvdsp.dylib
PE    931a2000-9320b000    Deferred        passwordserver
PE    9386c000-938cf000    Deferred        coreui
PE    9386c000-938cf000    Deferred        coreui
PE    938ff000-9396b000    Deferred        navigationservices
PE    93956000-93dae000    Deferred        libblas.dylib
PE    93d6d000-94aec000    Deferred        appkit
PE    93d6d000-94aec000    Deferred        appkit
PE    93d6d000-94aec000    Deferred        appkit
PE    93d6d000-94aec000    Deferred        appkit
PE    93d6d000-94aec000    Deferred        appkit
PE    94f74000-950ca000    Deferred        libcrypto.0.9.8.dylib
PE    94f74000-950ca000    Deferred        libcrypto.0.9.8.dylib
PE    9531f000-9540d000    Deferred        vimage
PE    9540d000-954d4000    Deferred        libsqlite3.dylib
PE    954c7000-954cd000    Deferred        audiounit
PE    954c7000-954cd000    Deferred        audiounit
PE    95601000-95617000    Deferred        netfs
PE    9560f000-9561c000    Deferred        opendirectory
PE    956f4000-956fc000    Deferred        applicationservices
PE    95958000-95965000    Deferred        commercecore
PE    95958000-95965000    Deferred        commercecore
PE    9595f000-95a16000    Deferred        kerberos
PE    9595f000-95a16000    Deferred        kerberos
PE    95aa9000-95ab5000    Deferred        iosurface
PE    95aa9000-95ab5000    Deferred        iosurface
PE    95aae000-95ae7000    Deferred        libglimage.dylib
PE    95c1c000-96057000    Deferred        quartzcore
PE    95c1c000-96057000    Deferred        quartzcore
PE    96011000-9603a000    Deferred        cfopendirectory
PE    96011000-9603a000    Deferred        cfopendirectory
PE    960b4000-960bc000    Deferred        libcorevmclient.dylib
PE    960b8000-960cc000    Deferred        libcsync.a.dylib
PE    960d0000-9612a000    Deferred        systemconfiguration
PE    9610e000-96239000    Deferred        libglprogrammability.dylib
PE    9610e000-96239000    Deferred        libglprogrammability.dylib
PE    96249000-9646b000    Deferred        imageio
PE    96494000-964ae000    Deferred        libgl.dylib
PE    9786e000-97880000    Deferred        carbonsound
PE    97879000-97887000    Deferred        commonpanels
PE    97880000-97883000    Deferred        veclib
PE    97880000-97883000    Deferred        veclib
PE    9794a000-97a0f000    Deferred        printcore
PE    97a20000-97d9f000    Deferred        foundation
PE    97c92000-97cb9000    Deferred        libpng.dylib
PE    97c92000-97cb9000    Deferred        libpng.dylib
PE    97cb5000-97cb9000    Deferred        liblangid.dylib
PE    97cb5000-97cb9000    Deferred        liblangid.dylib
PE    97cb6000-98271000    Deferred        liblapack.dylib
PE    983c3000-98477000    Deferred        searchkit
PE    9863b000-98651000    Deferred        opengl
PE    9863b000-98651000    Deferred        opengl
PE    9864a000-9870b000    Deferred        libobjc.a.dylib
PE    98728000-9873b000    Deferred        diskarbitration
PE    9883b000-98917000    Deferred        launchservices
PE    99031000-99039000    Deferred        help
PE    99031000-99039000    Deferred        help
PE    9930b000-9930e000    Deferred        accelerate
PE    99321000-9935d000    Deferred        dictionaryservices
PE    99424000-997ba000    Deferred        carboncore
PE    99745000-99856000    Deferred        cfnetwork
PE    9982e000-998a6000    Deferred        libvmisc.dylib
PE    99c28000-99c90000    Deferred        familycontrols
PE    99c79000-99e0b000    Deferred        coredata
PE    99c79000-99e0b000    Deferred        coredata
PE    99ee2000-99fa4000    Deferred        ats
PE    99fbd000-99fc2000    Deferred        trustevaluationagent
PE    9a01a000-9a1c7000    Deferred        audiotoolbox
PE    9a01a000-9a1c7000    Deferred        audiotoolbox
PE    9a495000-9a49e000    Deferred        libgif.dylib
PE    9a6ed000-9a7c5000    Deferred        ink
PE    9a7d8000-9a834000    Deferred        libtiff.dylib
PE    9a829000-9a83b000    Deferred        libbz2.1.0.dylib
PE    9a90a000-9aa52000    Deferred        libfontparser.dylib
PE    9aa07000-9ab2c000    Deferred        desktopservicespriv
PE    9aa07000-9ab2c000    Deferred        desktopservicespriv
process  tid      prio (all id:s are in hex)
0000000c services.exe
    0000002c    0
    0000002b    0
    0000000e    0
    0000000d    0
00000012 explorer.exe
    00000014    0
    00000013    0
00000029 winedevice.exe
    00000030    0
    0000002f    0
    0000002e    0
    0000002a    0
00000043 winewrapper.exe
    00000044    0
00000046 TerraGUI.exe
    00000015    0
    00000016    0
    00000047    0
00000031 (D) Y:\Desktop\TerraGear\ProgramFiles\TerraGear\bin\genapts850.exe
    00000038    0 <==
    00000033    0
    00000009    0
00000036 wineconsole.exe
    00000035    0
System information:
    Wine build: wine-1.6-6916-g41eb73f
    Platform: i386
    Host system: Darwin
    Host version: 10.8.0

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