Graphics in Rift are now hosed with the new version of Crossover. (12.5).
Either Fix immediately or tell me how to revert!
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Graphics in Rift are now hosed with the new version of Crossover. (12.5).
Either Fix immediately or tell me how to revert!
Yup, there are some serious glitch with the graphic... the only solution at the moment is (as stated here:;forum=1;msg=144932 ) to add this registry key in the bottle
and set it as enabled
This fix the flickering issue but also reduce the game performance a lot. Just to give you an idea I am playing on a 27'' 2013 iMac with 3.4GHz Quad-core Intel Core i7, 16G RAM, fusion drive and NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680MX 2GB and the max I can get is 14fps (unless I use the ultra low graphical settings, then I get up to 20fps.)
Ok, I got an answer from the support
Our developers are working on fixing this issue with Rift under Crossover Mac 12.5 right now
In the meantime the workaround is to downgrade to Crossover 12.2.2. at Just replace the Crossover app icon on your machine with the older version you download and you'll be downgraded.
I can confirm this workaround works... you have to remove the Direct3D\StrictDrawOrdering entry in the registry (in case you added it) and enable the experimental drivers in the bottle advanced config.
This way I get a decent fps and no graphical artifacts/glitch
I downgraded to 12.2.2 and all went worse, I couldn't play anymore. I could not move forward, not riding, nor walking, though my arms moved and I could turn round. The log out screen looked funny also. So I went back to the most recent version with a not convincing rendering, a screen freeze every few minutes and a tall shadow of myself to the left... but it runs.
Hi Cataldo
I am having the same AWFUL graphic glitches in RIFT. How long do you think it will be before CO 12.5 and RIFT are compatible? I looked at what you suggested (downgrading the version and changing permissions etc) but I am not very technical and I am sure I will mess that up. I will try if it looks like we will have to wait a long time - else I will be patient and hope the developers get a move on - what would you advise? Playing the game is solo frustrating...
This should work in the soon to be released CrossOver 13.
Suffering from terrible graphic issues since upgrade too! Reverting to 12.2 only made things worse. Praying a solution comes soon, haven't been able to play RIFT in weeks!
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